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Site Map - Letter C


Internet4Classrooms Site Map

Site Map - Letter C

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Alphabetical Site Map

Site Map - Letter C

Calculating Readability Levels


Calculus and Trig


Calendars for Teachers

Capitalization - 1st Grade - Lang Interactives
Capitalization - 2nd Grade - Lang Interactives

Capitalization - 3rd Grade - Lang Interactives

Capitalization - 4th Grade - Lang Interactives

Capitalization - 5th Grade - Lang Interactives

Career Technical

Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect - Assessment Test Prep
Cause and Effect - 4th Grade - Lang Interactives
Cause and Effect - 5th Grade - Lang Interactives

Cells - Bio II

Centers and Workstations

Character Building - Kindergarten - Lang Interactives

Character Education

Charlie Factory Lessons

Charts and Graphs
Charts and Graphs - 1st Grade - Math Interactives
Charts and Graphs - 2nd Grade - Math Interactives
Charts and Graphs - 3rd Grade - Math Interactives
Charts and Graphs - 5th Grade - Math Interactives

Chemistry - EOC
Chemistry - General Resources
Chemistry I - STANDARDS
Chemistry II - STANDARDS

Chinese Language

Chinese New Year



Civic Responsibility, Environ Sci - STANDARDS

Claris Works

Classroom Blog

Classroom Organization Resources

Classroom Management - Elementary

Classroom Teacher Resources

Classroom Templates for Teachers

Clauses - 7th Grade - Lang Interactives
Clauses - 8th Grade - Lang Interactives

Cleaning Your Harddrive

Clip Art

Close Reading - CCSS Reading Skill

Coins Counting - 1st Grade - Math Interactives
Coins Counting - 2nd Grade - Math Interactives

Collaboration Web2.0

Collaborative Projects

Colors - Kindergarten - Lang Interactives
Colors - Kindergarten - Math Interactives

Columbus Day

Communicate, Scientific Research - H.S.

Common Core State Standards
English Language Arts Standards
-Kindergarten ELA Standards
L.K Language
RF.K Reading: Foundation Skills
RI.K Reading: Information Text
RL.K Reading: Literature
SL.K Speaking and Listening
W.K Writing

-1st Grade ELA Standards
L.1 Language
RF.1 Reading: Foundation Skills
RI.1 Reading: Information Text
RL.1 Reading: Literature
SL.1 Speaking and Listening
W.1 Writing

-2nd Grade ELA Standards
L.2 Language
RF.2 Reading: Foundation Skills
RI.2 Reading: Information Text
RL.2 Reading: Literature
SL.2 Speaking and Listening
W.2 Writing

-3rd Grade ELA Standards
L.3 Language
RF.3 Reading: Foundation Skills
RI.3 Reading: Information Text
RL.3 Reading: Literature
SL.3 Speaking and Listening
W.3 Writing

-4th Grade ELA Standards
L.4 Language
RF.4 Reading: Foundation Skills
RI.4 Reading: Information Text
RL.4 Reading: Literature
SL.4 Speaking and Listening
W.4 Writing

-5th Grade ELA Standards
L.5 Language
RF.5 Reading: Foundation Skills
RI.5 Reading: Information Text
RL.5 Reading: Literature
SL.5 Speaking and Listening
W.5 Writing

-6th Grade ELA Standards
L.6 Language
RI.6 Reading: Information Text
RL.6 Reading: Literature
SL.6 Speaking and Listening
W.6 Writing

-7th Grade ELA Standards
L.7 Language
RI.7 Reading: Information Text
RL.7 Reading: Literature
SL.7 Speaking and Listening
W.7 Writing

-8th Grade ELA Standards
L.8 Language
RI.8 Reading: Information Text
RL.8 Reading: Literature
SL.8 Speaking and Listening
W.8 Writing

-6th-8th Grade ELA Standards
RH.6-8 Literacy in History/Social Studies
RST.6-8 Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects
WHST.6-8 Writing in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects

-9th-10th Grade ELA Standards
L.9-10 Language
RH.9-10 Literacy in History/Social Studies
RST.9-10 Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects
RI.9-10 Reading:Informational Text
RL.9-10 Reading:Literature
SL.9-10 Speaking and Listening
W.9-10 Writing
WHST.9-10 Writing in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects

-11th-12th Grade ELA Standards
L.11-12 Language
RH.11-12 Literacy in History/Social Studies
RST.11-12 Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects
RI.11-12 Reading: Informational Text
RL.11-12 Reading: Literature
SL.11-12 Speaking and Listening
W.11-12 Writing
WHST.11-12 Writing in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects

CCSS Mathematics Standards
-Kindergarten Mathematics Standards
K.CC Counting and Cardinality
K.G Geometry
K.MD Measurement and Data
K.NBT Number and Operations in Base Ten
K.OA Operations and Algebraic Thinking

-1st Grade Mathematics Standards
1.G Geometry
1.MD Measurement and Data
1.NBT Number and Operations in Base Ten
1.OA Operations and Algebraic Thinking

-2nd Grade Mathematics Standards
2.G Geometry
2.MD Measurement and Data
2.NBT Number and Operations in Base Ten
2.OA Operations and Algebraic Thinking

-3rd Grade Mathematics Standards
3.G Geometry
3.MD Measurement and Data
3.NBT Number and Operations in Base Ten
3.NF Number and Operations--Fractions
3.OA Operations and Algebraic Thinking

-4th Grade Mathematics Standards
4.G Geometry
4.MD Measurement and Data
4.NBT Number and Operations in Base Ten
4.NF Number and Operations--Fractions
4.OA Operations and Algebraic Thinking

-5th Grade Mathematics Standards
5.G Geometry
5.MD Measurement and Data
5.NBT Number and Operations in Base Ten
5.NF Number and Operations--Fractions
5.OA Operations and Algebraic Thinking

-6th Grade Mathematics Standards
6.EE Expressions and Equations
6.G Geometry
6.RP Ratios and Proportional Relationships
6.SP Statistics and Probability
6.NS The Number System

-7th Grade Mathematics Standards
7.EE Expressions and Equations
7.G Geometry
7.RP Ratios and Proportional Relationships
7.SP Statistics and Probability
7.NS The Number System

-8th Grade Mathematics Standards
8.EE Expressions and Equations
8.F Functions
8.G Geometry
8.SP Statistics and Probability
8.NS The Number System

-High School Algebra Mathematics Standards
HSA.APR Arithmetic with Polynomials & Rational Expressions
HSA.CED Creating Equations
HSA.REI Reasoning with Equations & Inequalities
HSA.SSE Seeing Structure in Expressions

CCSS Teacher Resources
-I CAN Statements for Grades K-12
-CCSS Assessment Tasks
-CCSS Keyboarding Standards
-CCSS Close Reading
-CCSS Teacher Resources Per Grade Level
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade

Common Core
Assessment Tasks
I Can Statements
Keyboarding Tasks
Close Reading
Teacher Resources (per Grade Lavel)

Common Core Mathematics
High School Algebra

Common Core Printables
Kindergarten Math
First Grade Math
Second Grade Math
Third Grade Math
Fourth Grade Math
Fifth Grade Math
Sixth Grade Math

Communication - H.S. English I
Communication - H.S. English II
Communication - H.S. English III
Communication - H.S. English IIV

Compare and Contrast
Compare and Contrast Assessment - Activities
Compare and Contrast Assessment - Lessons
Compare and Contrast - 3rd Grade - Lang Interactives
Compare and Contrast - 4th Grade - Lang Interactives
Compare and Contrast - 7th Grade - Lang Interactives
Compare and Contrast - 8th Grade - Lang Interactives

Comparing Fractions
Compare Fractions - Decimals - 7th Grade Interactives
Compare Fractions - Decimals - 8th Grade Interactives

Comparing Numbers
Comparing Numbers - Kindergarten - Math Interactives
Comparing Numbers - 1st Grade - Math Interactives
Comparing Numbers - 2nd Grade - Math Interactives
Comparing Numbers - 5th Grade - Math Interactives
Comparing Numbers - 6th Grade - Math Interactives

Comparing Shapes - Kindergarten - Math Interactives

Compound Words
Compound Word - 2nd Grade - Lang Interactives
Compound Word - 3rd Grade - Lang Interactives

Comprehension - Elementary
Comprehension - 1st Grade - Lang Interactives
Comprehension - 2nd Grade - Lang Interactives
Comprehension - 3rd Grade - Lang Interactives
Comprehension - 4th Grade - Lang Interactives
Comprehension - 5th Grade - Lang Interactives
Comprehension - 6th Grade - Lang Interactives
Comprehension - 7th Grade - Lang Interactives
Comprehension - 8th Grade - Lang Interactives
Comprehension Resources - Assessment Help
Comprehension Worksheets - Assessment Help

Computation - 4th Grade - Math Interactives
Computation - 6th Grade - Math Interactives
Computation - 7th Grade - Math Interactives

Computer Skills How To's

Computer Teacher Resources

Conjunctions - 6th Grade - Lang Interactives

Consonants - 1st Grade - Lang Interactives
Consonants - 2nd Grade - Lang Interactives

Consumer Math - 5th Grade - Math Interactives

Contemporary Issues, Physics - STANDARDS

Context Clues
Context Clues - Assessment Prep
Context Clues - 5th Grade- Lang Interactives

Continent Topics for Project Based Learning

Contractions - 1st Grade - Lang Interactives
Contractions - 2nd Grade - Lang Interactives
Contractions - 3rd Grade - Lang Interactives
Contractions - 5th Grade - Lang Interactives

Cooperative Learning

Coordinate Plane
Coordinate Plane - 4th Grade - Math Interactives
Coordinate Plane - 6th Grade - Math Interactives

Copyright Issues


Counting - Kindergarten - Math Interactives
Counting -SKIP - 2nd Grade - Math Interactives
Counting Coins - 1st Grade - Math Interactives
Counting Coins - 2nd Grade - Math Interactives


Country Topics for Project Based Learning

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking, Sci Research - H.S.

Curriculum and DI

Cutting Resources - Pre-K, Scissors



Alphabetical Site Map

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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