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Reference Sites

Links verified 4/2/2024

Bibliographic Style - this information is now available at our language arts page - https://www.internet4classrooms.com/lang_gen.htm

  1. Blogger’s Guide to Copyright and DMCA - intellectual property concerns that relate specifically to bloggers
  2. Copyright: What every educator should know - 2 page .pdf handout
  3. Copyright Basics - from copyrightkids
  4. Copyright from CyberBee - interactive resource for learning about copyright issues
  5. Copyright Kids - Founded to advance the study of copyright law and the rights in literature, music, art, the theater, motion pictures, and other forms of intellectual property
  6. Copyright Term and the Public Domain in the United States - detailed chart 
  7. Creative Commons - a simple to understand explanation of this concept.
  8. Cyber Security Threats - how students can protect their data
  9. Fair Use Policies - copying work and giving credit for it is still Infringement!
  10. Grammica: Grammar Check - check your English grammar; they also offer a plagiarism checker and a paraphrasing tool
  11. How to Research - useful tools and resources
    Almanacs and Calendars Copyright Issues Data Sources Dictionaries Encyclopedias Regional Educational Labs Rubrics
    Magazines / TV OnLine National Media/Tennessee Newspapers

    Copyright Issues & Plagiarism

  12. Plagiarism Checker - check your plagiarism content
  13. Plagiarism Checker - free plagiarism detection on the Internet
  14. Plagriasm Checker - plagiarism checker and remover tool
  15. A Plagiarism Guide for Students - "When you copy someone, you are not flattering them. It's one thing to emulate someone's style; it's quite another to copy someone's writing. That's plagiarism. Another word for it is stealing." Descriptive text copied from Who Is Hosting This.
  16. Plagiarism Resources For Students and Teachers
  17. PlagTracker - Quality accommodation free of charge. In addition the site contains a comprehensive database of academic papers that can be very useful.
  18. Ultimate Guide to Copyright for Students - "Before you can successfully avoid committing copyright infringement, you must first understand what copyright is, and how it works." Descriptive text copied from Who Is Hosting This.
  19. U.S. Copyright Office - Copyright basics [12 page pdf document] [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.] An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format
  1. Copyright and Fair Use Quiz - eight questions
  2. Copyright Challenge - test what you know about copyrights with this 22 question multiple-choice quiz
  3. Copyright Quiz -[grades 7-12] Lesson plan from Utah Education Network; links to a handout, quiz to print, and answers to print A lesson plan can be found at this site
  4. Copyright Quiz - twenty question true/false quiz
  5. Fair Use Copyright Quiz - fifteen questions
  6. Plagiarism Tutorial - interactive quiz on Plagiarism, learn how to avoid plagiarism, but you'll also pick up some good research tips too.

General reference locations

  1. AllRefer.com - Browse articles in eleven major areas of topics to find brief articles about a large number of thing.
  2. Bartlett's Familiar Quotations : Passages, Phrases and Proverbs Traced to their Sources.
    1. Calculators On-Line provides links to almost 7000 calculators
    2. Derivative Calculator - Online calculator for derivatives and partial derivatives which shows user input as a graphical formula while typing (to help prevent the user from entering the wrong formula). This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data
    3. How Old Are You? - use this calculator to see how many years, months, days, minutes or seconds you are old. This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data
    4. Graphing Calculator Tutorials from Texas Instruments [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.]
    5. Metric Conversion - includes; length, area, volume, mass, force, pressure, work, power, temperature, and fuel mileage
    6. Percentage Calculator - Calculator with many other percentage and percent calculators with examples. Anytime you need to calculate percentage or learn how to calculate percentage, the percentage calculator is here to help.
    7. Units Converter - Interactive calculator for the following measurements:Weight and Mass, Distance and Length, Capacity and Volume, Area, Speed, Temperature, Time, Pressure and Circular Measure.Calculators and Conversion
  3. Computer File Types by Extension - Need to know the difference between .mpp and .mpg, you will find many extensions here.
  4. Cram - find flashcards to study
  5. Emoticons - Also known as "Smileys", these symbols are used in emails and chat rooms to convey the body language, facial expressions, and vocal inflections we lack in electronic communication.
  6. Explore the Exploratorium - The museum of science, art, and human perception
  7. FedStats: A to Z Topical List - the window on the full range of official statistical information available to the public from the Federal Government
  8. Homework help sites from Multnomah County Library
  9. Homework Center from InfoPlease
  10. HTML Color Table - Color swatches and their Hexadecimal Red Green Blue(RGB) values.
  11. Internet Resources for Librarians: Includes a neat set of links on ideas about how to write a web page for your library. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.]
  12. InternetTools (iTools) - This site promises quick access to the best Internet tools. (Search Tools, Language Tools, Research Tools, Financial Tools, Map Tools, and Internet Tools)
  13. The Librarian's Bookmarks : Resources for Teachers Menu lists General Education Web Sites and Subject Area Sites. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.]
  14. The Library of Congress - resources for every age group
  15. My Virtual Reference Desk
  16. Newspapers around the World - Listing of thousands of newspapers from around the world: search by country and then by publication
  17. Phrase Finder - Search the whole database of 5,000 phrases. The search works like a phrases thesaurus. Give it a single word and it will return a list of phrases and sayings that are related to the word in some way.
  18. Prime Numbers - This site has a prime number generator and a prime number checker.
  19. Reference Desk - pull down menus allow you to locate references for a large number of areas.
  20. References - Browse the Web's Best References
  21. Roget's Thesaurus Search Form
  22. Sample Disclaimer Template and Examples - a generic disclaimer template, as well as some great examples of different types of commonly used disclaimers
  23. US Counties - Capitol Impact provides an index of state pages. At each state page you will see a map linking to information about the counties of that state.
  24. WWW Virtual Library - Fourteen directories from Agriculture to Society
  25. YourDictionary.com - This site says that it is the web's most authoritative and comprehensive language portal
  26. Zip codes - Search for zip codes
  27. Zip Code lookup - from the U. S. Postal Service
  28. Zip Codes - United States Zip codes;free printable zip code maps, and demographic information for every zip code in the U.S


  1. Calendar - can be reset to any year
  2. Federal Holidays - from the Office of Personnel Management
  3. Historic Events & Birth dates that occurred on a selected day of the year. This is the most comprehensive index that I have seen on the Internet. Sponsored by Scope Systems Worldwide Industrial Electronics Repair & Services.
  4. The Old Farmer's Almanac
  5. Secular Holidays Calendar - "Let's see ... hmmmm, when is Veterans day?" If you ever ask questions like that, go to this page enter the year and see important dates for that year. This calendar covers years later than 1776. If you are interested, in the year 2195 Earth Day will be Wednesday, 22 April.
  6. This Day in History - presented by The History Channel. Other categories offered are this day: in Wall street history, in automotive history and in Civil War History. Click on the links on the left to go to various This Day in History content.
  7. Time and Date - this site has world clock, time zones, calendar, weather, sun & moon, timers, calculators and more
  8. Time related sites


  1. Acronym Finder
  2. Dictionary.com - Look up a word, or look at links to a variety of word resources
  3. FreeDictionary - Has word of the day, quote of the day, article of the day, word game of the day and more.
  4. Rhyming Dictionary - You can use it to help write poetry, song lyrics, greeting cards, witticisms, and more.
  5. Rhyming Dictionary - hundreds of rhymes for over 350,000 words and phrases
  6. The Dictionary: at Vocabulary.com - Try the world's smartest, fastest dictionary. Start typing a word and get instant results.
  7. Travlang's Translating Dictionaries featuring 18 languages.
  8. Word Central from Merriam Webster - a customizable dictionary and a daily buzz word
  9. WWWebster's Online Dictionary look up a word or a phrase
  10. YourDictionary.com - This site says that it is the web's most authoritative and comprehensive language portal


  1. Computer Desktop Encyclopedia - Although channeled into print by one person, the Encyclopedia is a collaboration of the best professionals in the field.
  2. Encyclopedia.com - Because knowledge is cool.
  3. Encyclopedia Smithsonian - helps answer frequently asked questions about the Smithsonian with links to resources on subjects from Art to Zoology
  4. Historica - the Canadian encyclopedia
  5. InfoPlease Encyclopedia - Access more than 57,000 articles from the�Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition.
  6. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Regional Educational Labs

  1. Index of Regional Educational Labs
  2. Appalachian Region Appalachia Educational Laboratory, Inc (AEL) - Specialty Area Rural Education (now known as Edvantia)
  3. Central Region - McRel - Mid-continent regional Educational Laboratory - Specialty Area Curriculum, Learning and Instruction
  4. Midwestern Region - NCREL - North Central Regional Educational Laboratory - Specialty Area Technology
  5. Northwestern Region - NWREL - Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory - Specialty Area School Change Processes
  6. Pacific Region - PREL - Pacific Resources for Education & Learning - Specialty Area Language and Cultural Diversity
  7. Mid-Atlantic Region - LSS - Laboratory for Student Success - Specialty Area Urban Education
  8. Southeastern Region - SERVE - SouthEastern Regional Vision for Education - Specialty Area Early Childhood Education
  9. Southwestern Region - SEDL Southwest Educational Development Laboratory - Specialty Area Language and Cultural Diversity

Magazines & TV Online

You won't find Seinfeld, Cheers, or Letterman here. The focus is instruction; web sites for Television channels or shows which support instruction in the classroom, or On-line magazines which would be useful for project-based research.

  1. ABC Science - Australian Broadcasting Corporation's gateway to online science formerly known as The Lab
  2. Cricket - formerly Odyssey Magazine; the science magazine for young adventurers, ages 10-16
  3. Discovery Channel Online - TV online
  4. Discover Magazine - Science, Technology and the Future
  5. Earth & Sky : Visit the Teacher's Lounge posted by this radio show's home page. Find out how to integrate Earth & Sky into your classroom. Browse their Virtual Textbook then check out their Teacher's Resource Hot List.
  6. Exploratorium Science Snacks - This site is full of Snacks...but they're not the kind you eat. They're the kind you can learn from and have fun with. Exploratorium Science Snacks are miniature versions of some of the most popular exhibits at the Exploratorium.
  7. The History Channel: where the past comes alive...online
  8. Instructor - the professional journal that teachers of grade levels K through 8 have relied on for more than a century. Some of the features here include sample articles, grant sources, and a sample cyber hunt.
  9. Welcome to the laboratory that never sleeps! The MAD Scientist Network is a collective cranium of scientists providing answers to your questions.
  10. NASA TV - real-time coverage of NASA activities
  11. National Geographic
  12. National Geographic Kids (formerly named World)
  13. New Scientist - magazine.
  14. NOVA Online
  15. Popular Science
  16. Science
  17. Science and Technology Resources from the Internet Public Library site
  18. Science News Online
  19. Scientific American - Read article summaries, complete articles, or news items. You can also see previous issues back to 1996.
  20. Sky and Telescope Magazine - see the current issue, or look through their archive
  21. USA Today
  22. The Weather Channel

Tennessee Newspapers

Copyright Quizzes This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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