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Governance & Civics 1st Grade Social Studies

1st Grade Social Studies Standards - Governance and Civics

Links verified 1/4/2015


1.4.1a Constitution - Recognize the United States Constitution as the basis for the laws in our country.
1.4.1b Rules and Laws - Categorize rules and laws we follow as members of a family, school, and community.
1.4.1c Purpose of Government - Explain the purpose of government and give examples of laws that establish order, provide security, and control conflict.
1.4.2a Community Government - Understand that community governments employ various service workers.
1.4.2b Leaders - Identify leaders in the community, state, and nation.
1.4.2c Levels of Government - Describe the relationship between local, state, and national government.
1.4.3a Citizenship - Define citizenship and responsibility.
1.4.3b Rights and Responsibilities - Examine the rights and responsibilities of the individual in relation to his or her social group, such as family, peer group, and school class.
1.4.3c Responsibilities of Citizens - Categorize responsibilities that citizens have to their community, state, and country.
1.4.3d Local Laws - Design a set of rules or laws for a home, classroom, or community.
1.4.3e Family Rules - Recognize family and school rules as compared with those from another culture.
1.4.4a Pledge of Allegiance - Recite and explain the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance.
1.4.4b Voting - Understand that voting is a way of making choices and decisions.
1.4.4c Symbols and Celebrations - Explain how selected customs, symbols, and celebrations reflect an American love of individualism and inventiveness.
1.4.4d Flag - Explain selected national and state patriotic symbols such as the United States and Tennessee flags.



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