Each Grade Level is full of resources for every individual standard. Students can take control of their own learning by clicking on the page with the standard number, and choosing their own resource to practice that skill. We cover domains and standards of each grade from Kindergarten all the way up to 12th Grade.
Check out our new Common Core ELA Standards and also our updated Common Core Math Standards.
SAT and ACT Test Preparation
Free Online Practice Resources for ACT Tests and SAT Tests! I4C now offers free SAT and ACT vocabulary and math quizzes. Become a free member and log in as much as you'd like. Students can take practice tests on 5000 vocabulary words or over 1000 math problems. Parents and Mentors can log in to monitor your scores - including seeing which vocabulary words they missed. Interactive quizzes allow the test taker to retake and study as much as they want.
Sign Up Here for ACT Test & SAT Test Preparation!
October Blog: 5 Tips for Taking the Stress Out of Homework Guest Blogger Faith Brower of Tutor Time, Childtime, and La Petite Academy gives us five tips to make homework a success for your child this year!
October 2013 Picks
Teacher Resources | Parent Resources | Technology Tips |
As we get deeper into Fall, October marks Columbus Day, Halloween, Space Week, and more. Visit our monthly newsletter to see all the details. Below are just a few highlights.
Here are just a couple of the October events that you can celebrate this month.
- National Bullying Prevention Month - Help create a positive environemt in your school! Find anti-bullying activities, lesson plans, and other resources in the Bullying and Cyberbullying section of our website.
- National Dyslexia Awareness Month - Did you know that 1 in 10 people have symptoms of dyslexia, including slow or inaccurate reading, poor spelling, poor writing, and mixing up similar words? Visit our Dyslexia Teacher Resource page for strategies and tools to assist in working with students that may have dyslexia and our Dyslexia Classroom Resource page for activities, worksheets, and a variety of tools and techniques to use in the classroom. Parents can look at our Dyslexia Parent Resource page for tips and learning aids to help their child. Online audio phonics help, Dyslexia testing information, and audio textbooks can be found in our Other Resources section. Be sure to check out our Execeptional Children section to find more resources for other learning disorders, ADHD, and autism.
- World Space Week (10/4-10) - The theme of this year's World Space Week is "Exploring Mars, Discovering Earth". Find a teacher activity guide with activities for grades K-12 and a collection of science and language arts activites for grades 5-9 based on the book Have Spacesuit - Will Travel by Robert A. Heinlein. Explore our elementary school space page for more space themed activities and be sure to check out our Astronomy pages to learn more about our solar system, stars, and our universe.
- National Fire Prevention Week (10/6-12) - This year's message of National Fire Prevention Week is "Prevent Kitchen Fires". The National Fire Prevention Association has lesson plans and activities for teachers and a website for kids and parents with safety checklists, excape plan worksheets, and other activities. The NFPA also provides a free storybook app and eBook! Be sure to also check out I4C's fire safety page for more lesson plans, games, and activities to help kids learn about the importance of fire safety.
- Child Health Day (10/7) - Check out I4C's Nutrition and Health pages to find classroom resources covering heart health, food pyramids, brush charts, adolescent health, drugs and alcohol education, and first aid.
- Columbus Day (10/14) - Commemorate the landing of Chirstopher Columbus in the New World today! Learn about Christopher Columbus and celebrate Columbus Day with fun printables, activities, and crafts on I4C's Columbus Day page.
- Dictionary Day (10/16) - Although most dictionaries we use are now online, the methodologies of how to use reference materials are still the same. Reinforce good research habits with our links on how to use reference materials like dictionaries and thesauruses.
- Character Counts Week (10/20-26) - Help create a positive school environment and promote kindness, respect, and integrity in your school! Go to I4C's Character Education page to find resources for character building, anger management, bullying, and conflict resolution.
- National Chemistry Week (10/20-26) - National Chemistry Week encourages chemists and chemistry enthusiasts to build awareness of chemistry. Check out I4C's Chemistry page to find activities, experiment simulations, lesson plans, and other resources to use this week!
- Halloween (10/31) - Happy Halloween! Check out I4C's Halloween page to learn about the history of Halloween and to find spooky activities, crafts, recipies, and games to do today!
- Help create positive bullying-free environment in your school! Find lesson plans, classroom activities, and other resources in the Bullying and Cyberbullying section of our website.
- This month is National Dyslexia Awareness Month. Internet4Classrooms provides resources specifically geared towards Dyslexia. Visit our Dyslexia Teacher Resource page for strategies and tools to assist in working with students that may have dyslexia and our Dyslexia Classroom Resource page for activities, worksheets, and a variety of tools and techniques to use in the classroom. Also check out our Execeptional Children section to find more resources for other learning disorders, ADHD, and autism.
- Plan out your lessons throughout the school year with Common Core pacing guides! Find English Language Arts pacing guides here and Math pacing guides here.
- Internet4Classrooms remains a free web portal for all educators. Our newsletters, resources, learning programs, testing practice guides, curriculum links, and vocabulary quizzes are all FREE. We strive to provide you with help in every aspect of teaching. We know sometimes being an educator can feel like a thankless job. But we've been there. WE thank you. Now we'd like to ask if you could possibly thank us back! Find out how to help us just by shopping on Amazon.com!
- Visit Teacher tools for all of your classroom needs.
- Go to our grade level help for lesson plans, activities, instructionals, and tools organized by grade and subject.
- Before trick-or-treating this year, be sure to read these Halloween safety tips to have a fun and safe holiday!
- October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Look at I4C's section devoted to bullying and cyberbullying for activities and resources to help create a positive environment in your child's school and your community.
- Be sure to teach your children about fire safety! The National Fire Prevention Association provides fire safety tips and has a website for kids to learn about fire safety with activities, printables, and games. The NFPA also offers a Home Fire Excape Plan worksheet and a Fire Safety Checklist. Be sure to also check out I4C's fire safety page for more games and activities to help your kids learn about the importance of fire safety.
- Find information and tips about dyslexia on our Dyslexia Parent Resource page. Also check out our Execeptional Children section to find more resources for other learning disorders, ADHD, and autism.
- Internet4Classrooms remains a free web portal for all educators and parents. Our newsletters, resources, learning programs, testing practice guides, curriculum links, and vocabulary quizzes are all FREE. We strive to provide you with help in every aspect of your child's education. To help keep our services free, we have a partnership with Amazon. Find out how to help us just by shopping on Amazon.com!
- You can always visit our Parent Resources page to get grade level practice sites, find online sources, and information pertaining to homework, special needs, reading help, and more.
- Don't forget our Technology Tutorial section in case you need refresher courses in your computer skills.
- Move Your Taskbar - Has your taskbar ever moved to the side of the screen? Easily move it back by clicking on the bar and dragging it to the bottom. Make sure it doesn't move again by right clicking on the task bar and then clicking on 'Lock the taskbar'. Find more Windows tips here.
- Print Part of a Web Page - Quickly print a selection of a web site and save paper! Highlight the desired text and press Ctrl+P. In the Print dialog box that appears, click Selection (under Print Range). Now click OK and only what you wanted will print! More internet tips.
- Create Multiple Email Addresses with one Gmail Account - Need to create another account for something and don't want to create another email? If you have a Gmail account, you can put a period anywhere in your username and emails will still go to the original email address. Find more internet tips here.
We also have other basic instruction in Microsoft Office, including Word 2007, Excel 2007, Powerpoint 2007.
- Resources for Educators - In this section you can find classroom resources for Exceptional Children, Smartboards, Character Education, Web 2.0 Resources and other topics.
- Resources for Parents - Parents can find resources
on assisting their children with homework, time management, Internet Safety, subject area resources, grade level resources and more.
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