1st Grade Social Studies Standards - Culture
Links verified 1/3/2015
1.1.1a Define Culture - Recognize that culture is learned behavior that includes customs, beliefs, rules, life ways, language, food, and clothing. 1.1.1b Customs from Culture - Recognize people learn customs from their culture. 1.1.1c Family Culture - Explain the culture of the family and community. 1.1.1d Diverse Languages - Recognize people use diverse languages to communicate with one another. 1.1.2a Multiculturalism - Define multiculturalism. 1.1.2b Culture of a Place - Explain the culture of a place. 1.1.2c Diversity - Describe the importance of diverse beliefs, customs, and traditions of families. 1.1.3a Effect of Culture - Understand individual differences in languages, beliefs, and customs that may be unique to one's culture. 1.1.3b Folk Tales - Retell stories from diversely selected folk tales, myths, and legends.

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