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4th Grade - Communication Standards

4th Grade English Language Arts - Communication Standards

All links in the pages below were verified in October, 2011

To work on fourth grade communication standards, click on the numbers below to visit pages of internet resources for each of the learning standards.

Checks for Understanding are at the top of this page. Scroll down to find internet resources related to the State Performance Indicators (SPIs).

Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0401.2.1 Listen Attentively - Listen attentively by facing the speaker, asking questions, and paraphrasing what is said.
0401.2.2 Listening Rules - Use established rules for attentive listening (e.g., do not interrupt, ask questions, provide appropriate feedback).
0401.2.3 Follow Directions - Understand and follow multi-step directions (i.e., follow directions for a simple game).
0401.2.4 Ask Questions - Formulate and respond to questions from teachers and group members.
0401.2.5 Summarize a Speech - Construct a summary of a speech.
0401.2.6 Conversation Rules - Use rules for polite conversation.
0401.2.7 Respond to Text - Participate in creative responses to text (e.g., choral reading, discussion, dramatization, oral presentations).
0401.2.8 Express Reactions - Orally express reactions and personal experiences, and opinions.
0401.2.9 Oral Presentation - Create and deliver an oral presentation on an assigned topic (e.g., book reports, demonstrations, science projects).
0401.2.10 Voice Levels - Use different voice levels and speech patterns for small groups, informal discussions, and reports.
0401.2.11 Non-Verbal - Interpret and use a variety of non-verbal communication techniques (e.g., gestures, facial expression, posture).
0401.2.12 Recitation - Participate in recitations of assigned/self-selected passages.
0401.2.13 Group Discussion - Continue to develop group discussion skills and to work in teams.
0401.2.14 Team Roles - Recognize specific roles assumed by team members in completing tasks.

State Performance Indicators

SPI 0401.2.1 Main Idea - Identify the main idea and supporting points of a speech.
SPI 0401.2.2 Group Activities - Given a list of interactive behaviors (i.e., taking turns, behaving courteously, not interrupting, listening, remaining on task), identify those that are appropriate (or inappropriate) for group activities.
SPI 0401.2.3 Summarize a Speech - Select the best summary of a speech.
Review Help Resources to help review Fourth Grade English Language Arts standards



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