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WebQuest Introduction


WebQuest Introduction

Links verified 2/10/2023

Using a WebQuest in your classroom || i4c Quests

What do the originators of the concept have to say?

"A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the Internet."



  1. Why WebQuests? This introduction by Tom March was written for a series of WebQuests to be developed by Teacher Created Materials and edited by Tom and Bernie Dodge. If you are new to Quests, this is an excellent place to start.
  2. Thoughts about WebQuest - Dr. Bernie Dodge and Tom March, the original designers of the WebQuest concept, present a comprehensive look at what a WebQuest is and how to plan one. [ Archive version ]
  3. WebQuest News - the more recent portal to all things WebQuest



What are the components of a WebQuest?

  1. Building Blocks of a WebQuest Bernie Dodge outlines an easy way to understand the components of a WebQuest: Introduction, Task, Process, Evaluation, Conclusion.



Where can I find out more information on what a WebQuest is?

  1. A WebQuest about WebQuests Use this tool to evaluate WebQuests. Find out what makes a good WebQuest and what makes a bad one. Knowing the finer points of a WebQuest will make the WebQuests you create even better!
  2. WebQuest 101 - Putting Discovery into the Curriculum - This tutorial, from TeachersFirst.com, introduces you to WebQuests - an Internet activity which lets you create something useful for your students while increasing your web "comfort level" at the same time. A well-designed WebQuest lets you turn your students loose on the web for a specific project and get results that both you and your students will like.
  3. Read a technology article at Education World: Creating a WebQuest: It's Easier than You Think! You will find a good description of the components of a quest as well as some great links.
  4. Web Quests - good explanation from the Concepts to Classroom series posted by WNET (New York Public Media)
  5. Dr. Dodge created A Rubric for Evaluating WebQuests This rubric will help you pinpoint the ways in which your WebQuest isn't doing everything it could do.



Where can I find WebQuests that others have written?

  1. A Matrix of WebQuests - Bernie Dodge has provided a search engine to find WebQuests in his matrix
  2. Best WebQuests has a relatively small index of examples (less than 300), but all are of high quality.
  3. WebQuest Collections - collections of WebQuests available on the Internet - see what teachers around the nation are creating
  4. Shelby County Schools in Tennessee has an excellent list of WebQuest collections.



Where can I find out about writing my own WebQuest?

  1. Using a WebQuest in your classroom This is the i4c workshop agenda designed to help you develop your own Internet-based unit or project.
  2. Teach-nology provides a WebQuest Generator - ( scroll down past the membership information ) Fill in the sections on this page with required information for each step. Be specific and clear. To help you with that process, each section of the generator spells out what should be included.
  3. Six modules related to writing WebQuests These modules were produced by San Diego schools to train teachers in the utilization of educational resources on the web. The modules focus on creating product-oriented activities that engage participants in hands-on, active learning.
  4. Download a WebQuest template . Use this template to create your own WebQuest
  5. Download WebQuest Templates - a variety of webquest templates (all valid XHTML and CSS) sorted into the categories of top navigation, left navigation and right navigation.
  6. Explanation of the WebGuide template - build a lesson around a single Internet site or see an example - See an index of WebGuides - download a copy of the template (MS Word format)


How can I make sure my sites are valid?

  1. The ABC's of Web Site Evaluation (presented by Kathy Schrock) - Evaluation of Web sites is an important skill to learn in this age of digital and information literacy. Students and teachers need practice in critically examining sites to determine authority, authenticity, and applicability to purpose. This site provides that practice.
  2. Teaching Zack to think (from Alan November) - it is essential that students learn how to validate information
  3. Evaluating Web Pages - techniques to apply and questions to ask
  4. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly - why it's a good idea to evaluate web sources
  5. Critical Evaluation of Resources - In the research process you will encounter many types of resources including books, articles and web sites. But not everything you find on your topic will be suitable. How do you make sense of what is out there and evaluate its authority and appropriateness for your research?
  6. Critically Analyzing Information Sources - the emphasis here is on print sources
  7. Evaluating Information Found on the Internet - a thoughtful guide to evaluating web and other Internet resources
  8. Evaluation of information sources - This page contains pointers to criteria for evaluating information resources, particularly those on the Internet.
  9. Quality Information Check List - a resource to help evaluate the information they find on the Internet
  10. Evaluating Resources - Research Roadmap - Humboldt State University Library


WebQuests written by Internet4Classrooms collaborators

  1. Searching for Just the Right Planet - It is now the year 2025. Z-Tech, a large multi-national company, wants to put a space hotel in orbit around one of the other planets in our solar system. Your class has been given the job of searching for the perfect location for this hotel. You have two weeks before Z-Tech expects a report on which planet would be the best place for an orbiting space hotel.



  2. Will That Volcano Spoil Our Party? - The small Caribbean island of Mont Isle is planning to hold a major celebration in three months. The island is ten miles long and is part of an arc of islands that includes Grenada, Barbados, Dominica, and Antigua. At one end of the island is a tall, beautiful, cone-shaped mountain; a composite volcano which the natives call Poco-poco. The mountain is over 1000 meters tall and is also known as a strato volcano. The capitol city of Iguana Cay is located at the base of the mountain in the middle of the island. No one living on the island remembers any volcanic activity coming from Poco-poco. The mayor, Jose Cruz, is concerned that tourists may not come to the celebration because of other volcanic eruptions on nearby islands. He has asked your class to give him a briefing on volcanoes so he can give an explanation to any worried tourists.


  3. "Me? Live in a Rainforest?" - Rainforests are being destroyed and the National Institute for Scientific Research has decided to find out what can be done about it. You and three of your friends have been selected to spend the next year living in a rainforest in South America. You have three weeks to find out how you need to prepare for this adventure. Remember, what you don't know can hurt you. You will be living in a place where plants eat animals, snakes are big enough to eat people, and ... well ... I wouldn't want to frighten you away. You will find out more about the rainforest as you proceed on the quest.


  4. Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker...what will my next career be? - You have graduated from college and have been working on the same job for the last two years. People who enter the workforce in 2005, like you did, will work for more than five different companies and will have more than ten different jobs before retiring. Most people discover their talents and interests during the first ten years of their working lives, and, sadly, many of them find they are in the wrong job. The company that you and your best friend work for has just been sold and it is time for both of you to find new jobs. But, let's do it right this time. If you are going to have more than one career in your lifetime, let's find out how to select a career.


  5. The King of Tides - "OK, here's the deal." The gruff inspector snarled as he spoke to your team of detectives. "For a long time people have been blamin' things on the moon! People claim to be crazy because of it, lovers claim to be under its spell, and even hospitals blame the full moon for loaded emergency rooms." "Yeah!", one of the newer members of your team replied flippantly, "So what's new?" The rest of your team let out a low sigh. Now the whole team was in for it! "I'll tell you what's new, Mr. Smartypants," the inspector glowered at each of you slowly, "Now some nutcase has brought charges against the moon for causing the tides! And, its your job to bring me proof one way or another!" The inspector turned back toward his desk and we thought he was through. He wasn't! He turned back to your team, pointed his finger at you and said, "And you only have two weeks to solve the case. Now get started!"


  6. "We won the grant! Now what do we do?" - Your school has just received a grant to purchase new computers and to train teachers to integrate technology into their teaching - activities that will enable the school to achieve some of the goals you and other administrators have been talking about for the last two years. Everyone is excited about the new technology and the possibilities it has for improving teaching and learning. However, people have questions. Someone has to try to answer all of these questions. For better or worse, this someone is you! Yes, there are strings attached to the grant. In this age of limited resources, people want to know if the money they are spending is producing results, and they want answers soon. Yes, your time is limited. You are still trying to coordinate the purchase of the new equipment and make sure that it is running properly. You are also trying to make sure that teachers are getting the training they need so that the technology will be used appropriately. Wait! How will you know what's next and how to satisfy all of those people asking questions?


  7. Now that you have them, what do you do? - There they are! They even smell new! Four new computers have arrived in your classroom! The district technology experts connect you to the Internet and install software. Now they expect you to use those computers! Ack! What do you do?
    • A friend of yours has told you horror stories about students on the Internet ...
    • Your principal expects you to integrate the technology with your curriculum ...
    • You just want to teach ...

    In desperation you visit the teacher next door. You see the computer has been set up as a center. The program the children use is drill and practice. You also observe the computer is an interference as the teacher instructs the remainder of the students. Walking from that classroom you are even more confused. How do you manage to deal with everything that is expected of you?


  8. Taming Word Problems - Young Newt Dumblesnitch, a Gryffindor house mate of Harry Potter is in danger. He has stumbled into a pit of words. Not just any words, mind you, these are the dreaded problema words, known by their Muggle name as Word Problems. Newt is struggling to remember the spell that will tame these problema words, turning them into regular numbers and operators. With a flick of his wand, sparks fly as Newt chants, "Numeris Arrangum!" Newt looks around him, the dreaded problema words have been transformed! 'Why, this is easy!' thinks Newt, 'As easy as adding two plus...' Realizing that you are watching Newt stops and hands you the wand. It's your turn to tame the problema words.


Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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