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WebQuest Introduction


The purpose of the Introduction section of a WebQuest is twofold. It orients the learner to the task ahead and grabs their interest, drawing them into the project. A good introduction makes the topic seem...

  • relevant to the learner's past experience
  • relevant to the learner's future goals
  • attractive, visually interesting
  • important because of its global implications
  • urgent, because of the need for a timely solution
  • fun, because the learner will be playing a role or making something


Notice how the introduction accomplished its goals in the following WebQuests:

  • Tuskegee Tragedy A WebQuest Exploring The Powerful and their Victims, a high school WebQuest written by Tom March

What do you think the author was trying to do in the introduction in each case?

Last updated on April 22, 1997 by Bernie Dodge

Building Blocks | Introduction | Task Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Teacher's Page

Modified by Bill Byles and Susan Brooks on October, 22, 2000
with permission from Dr. Dodge.

Internet4Classrooms is a collaborative project developed by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles

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Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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