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Evaluation of the Quest


The Evaluation block is a new addition to the WebQuest model. Clearly, if we're going to justify the expense of using the web for learning, we need to be able to measure results. Since the learning we're looking for is at the loftier reaches of Bloom's Taxonomy, we can't gauge it (readily) with a multiple-choice test. Therefore, an alternate evaluation is needed, such as a rubric. The rubric is an authentic assessment tool which is particularly useful in assessing criteria which are complex and subjective.

In the San Diego-Biarritz Comparison Unit by Susanne Hirsch, Janice Thiel developed a rubric for evaluating the web pages created in French by the students. This rubric examines six different aspects of the student product and establishes four benchmarks for each aspect. It's intended to be printed out and given to the evaluators who could be teachers, parents or peers. Evaluation rubrics would take a different form depending on the kind of task given to the learner.

The evaluation tool from a WebQuest called Farmers Farmers Everywhere, written by Susan Steinbach, is an example of a very tightly written rubric. This rubric gives specifics in fulfilling the requirements so that there is no room for disagreeing with the scoring.

Last updated on April 22, 1997 by Bernie Dodge

Building Blocks | Introduction | Task Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Teacher's Page

Modified by Bill Byles and Susan Brooks on October, 22, 2000
with permission from Dr. Dodge.

Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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