Distinguish among gravitational potential energy, elastic potential energy, and chemical potential energy SPI 0607.10.1
Links verified 5/22/2024
- Elastic Potential Energy - this HyperPhysics explanation also includes spring PE
- Energy of Rolling on a Hill - illustrates the loss of GPE due to friction
- Gravitational and Elastic Potential Energy - includes two questions [with answers] for you to check your understanding
- Gravitational Potential Energy - this HyperPhysics explanation includes a PE calculator - make sure to scroll down the page, there are five tables of information
- Gravitational Potential Energy - several good images are included
- Potential Energy - lesson plan with experimental procedure and a java applet at the bottom of the page
- Potential Energy - this Wikipedia entry discusses several types of PE; gravitational potential energy, elastic potential energy, chemical potential energy, electrical potential energy, electrostatic potential energy, electrodynamic potential energy, nuclear potential energy, and thermal potential energy
- Types of Energy - This is primarily about kinetic and potential, but other forms of energy are presented. There is a mini-quiz at the bottom of the (page below the ads).
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