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6th Grade Number and Operations

6th Grade Math Standards - Number and Operations

All Links in the Pages Below Were Verified in April of 2012

Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)


Fractions - Efficiently compare and order fractions, decimals and percents; determine their approximate locations on a number line.

0606.2.2 Multiply - Use area models to represent multiplication of fractions.
0606.2.3 Contextual - Create and solve contextual problems that lead naturally to division of fractions.
0606.2.4 Ratio - Understand ratio as a fraction used to compare two quantities by division.
0606.2.5 Notation - Recognize a:b, a/b, and a to b as notations for ratios.
0606.2.6 Percentages - Recognize common percentages as ratios based on fractions whose denominators are 2, 3, 4, 5, or 10.
0606.2.7 Ratio/Rate - Connect ratio and rate to multiplication and division.
0606.2.8 Terminating - Recognize that a terminating decimal equals a fraction with a denominator that is a power of ten.
0606.2.9 Rational - Recognize that the decimal form of a rational number either terminates or repeats.
0606.2.10 Negative - Explore contexts that can be described with negative numbers (such as money, elevation, and temperature).

State Performance Indicators

SPI 0606.2.1 Fractions - Solve problems involving the multiplication and division of fractions.
SPI 0606.2.2 Mixed Num - Solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of mixed numbers.
SPI 0606.2.3 Decimals - Solve problems involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals.
SPI 0606.2.4 Multi-Step - Solve multi-step arithmetic problems using fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals.
SPI 0606.2.5 Transform Num - Transform numbers from one form to another (fractions, decimals, percents, and mixed numbers).
SPI 0606.2.6 Ratio/Rate - Solve problems involving ratios, rates and percents.
SPI 0606.2.7 Number Line - Locate positive rational numbers on the number line.
SPI 0606.2.8 Integers - Locate integers on the number line.



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