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2nd Grade - Phonemic Awareness

2nd Grade Language - Phonemic Awareness 0201.1.10

Links verified on 12/29/2014

Phonemic Awareness - Maintain phonemic awareness by adhering to the following: 0201.1.10

New Words Change the letters of a given word to create new words (e.g., pan to nap, ten to net).

Sound Stretching

Use sound stretching of one syllable words to identify each phoneme.

Sound Blending

Use sound blending of each separately spoken phoneme to make meaningful words.

Segment Words

Segment one-syllable words into individual sounds and blend the sounds into whole words.

Rhyming Words

Identify and produce rhyming words.
Same Sounds

Recognize words that have the same beginning, middle, and ending sounds.

Syllables Understand words are made up of one or more syllables (e.g., students clap syllables,
move objects, etc. in words.)
Change Words Add, delete, and change targeted sounds to change words (e.g., bed to bad, hat to bat).



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