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7th Grade - Informational Text Standards

7th Grade English Language Arts - Informational Text

Links verified on 6/4/2014

To work on seventh grade informational text standards, click on the numbers below to visit pages of internet resources for each of the learning standards.

Checks for Understanding are at the top of this page. Scroll down to find internet resources related to the State Performance Indicators (SPIs).

Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0701.6.1 Reading Comprehension - Use previously learned strategies to comprehend informational texts (e.g., formulating questions before, during, and after reading; visualize, predict, identify the writer's purpose).
0701.6.2 Identify Main Idea - Identify/infer the details that support the main idea of an informational text and identify the details supporting it.
0701.6.3 Relationships - Recognize clear, but subtly stated relationships among ideas (e.g., cause-effect, comparative, sequential) in informational texts.
0701.6.4 Inferences - Make inferences and draw conclusions.
0701.6.5 Summarize - Summarize succinctly the main idea and supporting details (presented as text and/or visuals) in informational texts.
0701.6.6 Paraphrase & Critique - Summarize, paraphrase, and critique texts (informational and literary).
0701.6.7 Identify Organizational Structure - Identify the organizational structures of informational texts (e.g., chronological, sequential, cause-effect, comparison-contrast, problem-solution).
0701.6.8 Print Format - Recognize that print format varies according to purpose and genre (e.g., prose, poetry, newspaper/magazine, letters, dramas, technical manuals, textbooks).
0701.6.9 Text Features - Use text features to locate information and make meaning from text (e.g., headings, key words, captions, tables of content, footnotes, illustrations).
0701.6.10 Graphs & Charts - Comprehend and interpret factual, quantitative, technical, or mathematical information presented in maps, charts, graphs, time lines, tables, and diagrams.
0701.6.11 Follow Instructions - Follow instructions in informational or technical texts.

State Performance Indicators

SPI 0701.6.1 Questioning - Formulate clarifying questions before, during, or after reading.
SPI 0701.6.2 Main Idea - Identify the main idea and supporting details in text.
SPI 0701.6.3 Use Text Features - Use text features to locate information and make meaning from text (e.g., headings, key words, captions, footnotes).
SPI 0701.6.4 Charts & Graphs - Interpret factual, quantitative, technical, or mathematical information presented in text features (e.g., maps, charts, graphs, time lines, tables, and diagrams).
SPI 0701.6.5 Sequence - Choose the correct order of a set of instructions.
SPI 0701.6.6 Organizational Structure - Identify the organizational structure of an informational text (i.e., chronological, cause-effect, comparison-contrast, sequential, problem-solution).
Review Help Resources to help review Seventh Grade English Language Arts standards



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