1st Grade Social Studies Standards - Geography
Links verified 1/3/2015
1.3.1a Maps and Globes - Recognize that maps and globes are representations or models of specific places. 1.3.1c Map Symbols - Use map symbols and legends to identify locations and directions. 1.3.1d Geographic Data - Interpret symbols that represent various forms of geographic data and use these symbols to identify locations and directions. 1.3.2a Cardinal Directions - Define what cardinal directions are. 1.3.2b Locate Places - Locate places using cardinal directions on maps and globes. 1.3.2c Read Maps - Locate cities, states, countries, continents, and major bodies of water on maps and globes. 1.3.2d Human Features - Describe the concept of human features as in cities, buildings, farms, roads, and railroads. 1.3.2e Name Places - Locate and name the places in school and the neighborhood. 1.3.2f Locate Tennessee - Identify the geographic location of the United States and Tennessee on a globe and a map. 1.3.2g Estimate Distances - Estimate distances such as from home to school. 1.3.3a Land Use - Explain how land is used for different tasks in the local area. 1.3.3b Natural Resources - Define natural resources and explain how people are dependent on them. 1.3.3c Natural or Man Made - Compare and contrast natural and artificial features of the earth. 1.3.3d Weather - Describe what weather is.

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