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7th Grade - Embedded Inquiry Topics

7th Grade Science Standards - Embedded Inquiry

Links verified 5/9/2024

Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0707.Inq.1 Control and Variable - Design and conduct an open-ended scientific investigation to answer a question that includes a control and appropriate variables
0707.Inq.2 Tools and Techniques - Identify tools and techniques needed to gather, organize, analyze, and interpret data collected from a moderately complex scientific investigation
0707.Inq.3 Evidence - Use evidence from a dataset to determine cause and effect relationships that explain a phenomenon
0707.Inq.4 Experimental Design - Review an experimental design to determine possible sources of bias or error, state alternative explanations, and identify questions for further investigation
0707.Inq.5 Reporting Results - Design a method to explain the results of an investigation using descriptions, explanations, or models

State Performance Indicators

SPI 0707.Inq.1 Simple Experiment - Design a simple experimental procedure with an identified control and appropriate variables
SPI 0707.Inq.2 Tools and Procedures - Select tools and procedures needed to conduct a moderately complex experiment
SPI 0707.Inq.3 Tables, Graphs, and Diagrams - Interpret and translate data into a table, graph, or diagram
SPI 0707.Inq.4 Cause and Effect - Draw a conclusion that establishes a cause and effect relationship supported by evidence
SPI 0707.Inq.5 Bias - Identify a faulty interpretation of data that is due to bias or experimental error



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