2nd Grade Social Studies Standards - Culture
Links verified 12/31/2014
2.1.1a Historical Items - Recognize most cultures preserve important personal and public items from the past. 2.1.1b Different Customs - Recognize communities have customs and cultures that differ. 2.1.1c Patterns of Traits - Recognize patterns of cultural traits such as language, religion, and family structure. 2.1.2a Diverse Cultures - Identify diverse cultural groups within the communities of Tennessee. 2.1.2b Grand Divisions - Compare and contrast the cultures of Tennessee's three grand divisions. 2.1.2c International Ties - Understand that Tennessee's culture has ties to other cultures in the world. 2.1.2d Cultural Loyalty - Recognize that cultures have strong traditions of loyalty to their region or country. 2.1.2e Other States - Compare the regional cultures of Tennessee to those of other states. 2.1.3a Cultural Heritage - Identify and explain the significance of selected stories, poems, statues, paintings, and other examples of local and state cultural heritage. 2.1.3b Effect of Technology - Examine the effects of changing technologies on the local community and state. 2.1.3c Cultural Neighborhoods - Recognize diverse cultural neighborhoods within Tennessee and America.

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