Identify and explain the significance of selected stories, poems, statues, paintings, and other examples of local and state cultural heritage. 2.1.3 a
Links verified 12/31/2014
- Aesop's Fables - HTML version of the Aesop's Fables
- Fairy Tales - [many, many products are advertised on each page of this site] 49 annotated fairy tales, including their histories, similar tales across cultures, modern interpretations and over 1,500 illustrations. teacher lessons included.
- Fairy Tales - Google directory of fairy tales
- Folk tales - from Aaron's World of Stories
- Folk Tales of Kids, by Kids, for Kids - a storybook created by young international story tellers!
- List of Fairy Tales - from Wikipedia
- Music of Countries and Cultures - from African music to Zydeco , presented by Silver Burdette
- Myths and Folk tales - DMOZ directory of myths and folk tales
- Myths, Folk tales and Fairy Tales - compiled contributions from many authors to create this rich resource for learning about and writing in these genres.
- Ten Characters from American Folklore - Lesson plan
- United States Folklore - Choose one of the 50 states listed below to read folk tales, myths, legends, and ghost stories from that state.
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