Teaching Resources
Links verified 5/1/2022
- 22 Tips: Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - Suggestions from another teacher on what she has found to work in the classroom.
- Accommodation Resources: Autism Spectrum Disorders/Asperger Syndrome - The DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) Center is dedicated to empowering people with disabilities through technology and education
- ASD Teacher - A blog from an ASD teacher that has many lesson plans and activities.
- Autism and Instruction Methods That Work Best in School - Instruction strategies that have been known to help children in the classroom.
- Autism, Head Banging and other Self Harming Behavior - tips and strategies to help your child reduce self-injurious behavior
- Autism Play Guide - unlocking the play potential of children with ASD
- Autism Teaching Tools - A resource of specific tools and teaching tips for working with learners with autistic spectrum disorders. Select the topics from the right side of the page.
- Best Autism Apps - from Autism Parenting magazine
- Free Materials & Teaching Resources - Printable teaching aids and resources for working with students with Autism.
- How To Design A Home For Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder
- How to Help Your Autistic Child Learn at Home - ways to help your autistic child work towards a happy learning journey
- How to Teach Children About Disabilities and Inclusion - posted by Baylor University
- How to Teach Children with Autism - Seven strategies with pictures.
- Preparing the Classroom - Five things teachers need to know on preparing the classroom to assist students with ASD.
- Resources on ASD - A list of reviewed resources and practical suggestions on ways students with ASD can learn and succeed.
- Social Stories for Autistic Children - stories used to model proper social interaction
- Teaching Interactions - A "naturalistic" teaching strategy to help children with high functioning autism or Asperger's Syndrome to learn new social skills.
- Teaching Students with Autism - This digest provides an overview of considerations for teaching students with autism.
- Tip Sheets for Teachers - Numerous tip sheets on teaching students with ASD.
- Tips and Support for Teachers - List of resources that offer specific teaching tips, modifications, support techniques, and proven strategies on how to help students with Asperger's become successful in the classroom. [
- Teaching Tips for Children and Adults with Autism - from Tempe Grandin Ph.D.
- What is ASD? - Describes what ASD looks like in the school setting and some interventions at school.
- Tips for Educators - Links for tips and strategies for working with students with autism in a variety of classroom situations.
- Visual Supports - Creating Picture Exchange Symbols to encourage reading in every child, and pairing words in a system might help hasten acquisition of those printed words.
- Visual Timetables - Tool that helps give structure to the day, promotes independence, increases confidence, and can reduce anxiety levels.
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