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CCSS.Math.Content.8.SP.A.3 Use The Equation...

CCSS.Math.Content.8.SP.A.3 - Use the equation of a linear model to solve problems in the context of bivariate measurement data, interpreting the slope and intercept. For example, in a linear model for a biology experiment, interpret a slope of 1.5 cm/hr as meaning that an additional hour of sunlight each day is associated with an additional 1.5 cm in mature plant height.

Authors: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers

Title: CCSS.Math.Content.8.SP.A.3 Use The Equation Of A Linear Model To Solve Problems... Statistics and Probability - 8th Grade Mathematics Common Core State Standards

Publisher: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington D.C.

Copyright Date: 2010

(Page last edited 10/08/2017)

  1. Creating a Scatter Plot in Excel - A long tutorial (27 pages if printed) on making your own scatter plot
  2. Creating an XY (Scatter) Plot in Excel - A seven page tutorial on how to use Excel to make a scatter plot
  3. Finding the X Intercept and Y Intercept to Graph Standard Form Equations - Five practice problems to practice using what was learned in the lesson above, followed by an answer key
  4. Fun and Sun Rent-a-Car - Students use tables, graphs, linear functions to solve a real-world problem
  5. Functions and the Vertical Line Test - discussions and activities designed to lead the students to explore the vertical line test for functions. Plotting points and drawing simple piecewise functions are practiced along the way.
  6. Graphing linear equations - Practice from Math.com
  7. How to Use Your TI-83 or 84 Calculator to Make a Scatter Plot - Provided by MathBits
  8. Interactive Box Plot - Students enter data and make their own scatterplot with this National Library of Virtual Manipulatives page
  9. Interactive Scatter Plot - From Shodor
  10. Interactive Scatterplot - Students enter data and make their own scatterplot with this National Library of Virtual Manipulatives page
  11. Introduction to Bivariate Data - Several good examples of scatter plots are included
  12. Line Graphs and Scatter Plots - Several good examples
  13. Line of Best Fit - Using graph paper and a strand of spaghetti (uncooked) [from the Internet archive known as the Wayback Machine.]
  14. Line of Best Fit - Using a graphing calculator [from the Internet archive known as the Wayback Machine.]
  15. Line of Best Fit - This activity (from Illuminations) allows the user to enter a set of data, plot the data on a coordinate grid, and determine the equation for a line of best fit.
  16. Line of Best Fit Applet - You can enter up to 10 points in the given chart
  17. Line of Best Fit Explanation - Why the line of best fit does not always touch as many points as possible on a scatter plot [format: discussion between student and mentor]
  18. Linear Regression - An applet which allows your students to investigate a regression line, also known as a "line of best fit."
  19. Linear Regression and Correlation - This lesson is designed to introduce students to correlation between two variables and the line of best fit.
  20. Practice Converting Linear Equations into Slope-Intercept Form - This show provides several opportunities for student practice [25 slides]
  21. Rate of Change Practice Problems - Nine practice problems (including a graph to interpret) followed by an answer key
  22. Rate of Change: Connecting Slope to Real Life - A lesson on using slope to find the rate of change accompanied by graphs and explanations
  23. Regression Activity - Regression is used to find the equation used to relate the two variables. This equation can tell you if the two variables are positively or negatively related.
  24. Representations of Linear Functions: Cab fares - The charge for a cab ride is determined by the length of travel. Some companies also charge a basic, fixed amount. At this site you will find descriptions of fares of three competing cab companies and you are asked to suggest a new fare.
  25. Scatter Plot - Includes examples of positive association, negative association, and no trend
  26. Scatter Plot - Links to ten different examples are included with this Engineering Statistics Handbook entry
  27. Scatter Plot - Wikipedia entry
  28. Scatter Plots - From the Business Knowledge Center
  29. Scatter Plots - Includes examples of perfect correlation, high correlation, and low correlation
  30. Scatter Plots - From Oswego City School District Regents Exam Prep Center [from the Internet archive known as the Wayback Machine.]
  31. Scatterplot with Overlaid Linear Prediction Plot - Includes links to other plots on the right
  32. Scatterplot with Overlaid Linear Prediction Plot - Includes links to eleven other plots
  33. Scatterplots worksheet - Worksheet to use with an activity from North Canton City Schools
  34. Slope Intercept Jeopardy - This show is in Jeopardy format; with five categories each with five questions - good for a while class review
  35. Straight Lines and Slopes - y-Intercept - Designed as a bellwork assignment, this show gives practice at reading slope and intercept from graphs [15 slides]. Explanation from Regents Prep assessment preparation site [from the Internet archive, the Wayback Machine.]
  36. The Regression Line and Correlation - A lesson plan from Illuminations
  37. Using a Graphing Calculator to Display the Line of Best Fit - Specific to the TI-83+/84+ graphing calculator
  38. Using Excel to Display a Scatter Plot - An Internet4Classrooms step-by-step tutorial on making your own scatter plots
  39. Using Residuals to Identify a Line of Good Fit - A discussion between student and mentor
  40. Using the X and Y Intercept to Graph Linear Equations - This follow up to the lesson on slope and rate of change deals with linear equations written in standard form rather than slope intercept form
  41. Vertical Line Test - This activity allows the user to attempt to build curves that pass the vertical line test, so that they are functions.
  42. Word Problems with Katie - Two levels are available: addition and subtraction in level 1, and multiplication and division in level 2 - questions start out easy and get a little harder as you go



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