Illinois Geography
Basic Facts
- Geographical Region: Midwest
- Size: 57918 sq.mi., 25th rank overall.
- Admitted to Statehood: December 3, 1818
- Population: 12,910,409;5th rank overall.
- Capital: Springfield
- Other Major City: Chicago
- Abbreviation: IL
Fun Facts
- Nickname: Prairie State
- State Flag: Click Here (opens window to
- State Bird: Cardinal (opens window to
- State Flower: Purple Violet (opens window to
Geographical Description
- Nearly 90% of the state is covered by the Central Plains. They are characterized by gently rolling lands created by the Ice Age.
- More than 275 rivers flow into the Mississippi-Ohio river system.
- Part of the Central Plains region includes the Till Plains. It is an area of rich farmland that is also a part of the Midwestern Corn belt, stretching from Ohio to Kansas.
- The Great Lakes Plain surrounds Chicago with its small hills, lakes, and marshes.
- The Shawnee Hills cover the southern part of the state with forested hills, river bluffs, woods and valleys.
- The extreme southern tip of the state is the Gulf Coastal Plain. This is where the Ohio and Mississippi river meet.
Map: Relief Map of IL
Machinery, minerals, food processing, electrical and nonelectrical machinery, chemical products, printing and publishing, fabricated metal products, transportation equipment, petroleum, coal, finance.
Corn, soybeans, hay, hogs, cattle, sorghum, dairy products, wheat
Other Information
Fun Facts:
- Chicago is home to the world's first Skyscraper built in 1885.
- The tallest building on the North American Continent is the Sears Tower in Chicago.
- The first state to ratify the 13th Amendment to the Constitution abolishing slavery was Illinois in 1865.
- Illinois has more than 6,000 units of government, more than any other state
- If you are a boy visiting Mount Pulaski, Illinois, be advised it is illegal to hurl snowballs at trees. On the other hand, girls are allowed to do so.
- The 4 stars on the Chicago flag represent Fort Dearborn, the Chicago Fire, the World's Columbian Exposition, and the Century of Progress Exposition.
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