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Delaware Geography

Delaware Geography

Basic Facts

  • Geographical Region: South
  • Size: 2489 sq.mi., 49th rank overall.
  • Admitted to Statehood: December 7, 1787
  • Population: 885,122;45th rank overall.
  • Capital: Dover
  • Other Major City: Wilmington
  • Abbreviation: DE

Fun Facts

  • Nickname: First State
  • State Flag: Click Here (opens window to 50states.com)
  • State Bird: Blue Hen Chicken (opens window to 50states.com)
  • State Flower: Peach Blossom (opens window to 50states.com)

Geographical Description

  • The state of Delaware consists of two major land regions: The Piedmont and the Atlantic Coastal Plain.
  • The Piedmont, an area of gently rolling hills found in the northwest corner of the state, is 10 miles wide at its widest point and holds Delaware's highest point at 450 ft above sea level.
  • The Atlantic Coastal Plain is a low flat region that rises only about 80 feet above sea level and stretches across the rest of the state.
  • A 30,000-acre swamp lies along southern boundary of the state.
  • Thousand Acre Marsh is the largest freshwater tidal wetland in northern Delaware

Map: Relief Map of DE


Chemical products, automobiles, food processing, paper products, rubber, plastic products, scientific instruments, printing and publishing


potatoes, vegetables, poultry, nursery stock, soybeans, dairy products, corn.

Other Information

Fun Facts:

  • The first state to ratify the United States constitution was Delaware and it took place on December 7, 1787.
  • Opened in New Castle in 1831, the nation's first steam railroad began running.
  • The only state that does not have any National Park System units such as national parks, monuments, memorials and historic sites is Delaware.
  • Approximately 500 descendants of the original Nanticoke Indians live in Delaware.
  • Built by Swedish immigrants in 1683, Delaware is home to the first log cabins in North America.
  • Oliver Evans of Newport revolutionized the industry with the invention of the automatic flour-milling machinery in 1785.
  • Delaware contains 1,982 square miles. It is 96 miles long and varies from 9 to 35 miles in width making it 49th in the nation for total area.
  • For just $5.00, the 87-foot Fenwick light house was completely painted in 1880.
  • During World War II, the eminent attack from German U-boats caused the construction of twelve concrete observation towers along the coast of Delaware.
  • The first permanent colony on Delaware soil was New Sweden in 1638.
  • Along the Delaware shore in May, it is not uncommon to see horseshoe crabs. They have remained almost the same since the time of the dinosaurs and can go a year without eating.
  • Delaware was named for Lord de la Warr, who was the first governor of Virginia.

More Fun Facts: http://www.50states.com/facts/delaware.htm



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