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United States History


Social Studies Curriculum Standards

United States History

Era 6 | Era 7 | Era 8 | Era 9 | Era 10
History Review Quizzes
Standards, Learning Expectations, and Performance Indicators
Source: Tennessee Social Studies Curriculum Standards
A resource for the teacher to use in planning their lessons site for teachers | A PowerPoint show related to this standard PowerPoint show | An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format Acrobat document | A Microsoft Word document to be downloaded Word document | This interactive site would work well on an interactive whiteboard whiteboard resource | This resource includes voice instructions for students sound | A video is available through this link video format | This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data interactive lesson | This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding a quiz | A lesson plan can be found at this site lesson plan | This link includes something for the teacher to print to print

Era 6: Industrial Development of the United States (1870-1900)

Standard 1: Culture
Understand how industrial development affected the United States culture.
  1. Factory Rules - from the Handbook to Lowell, 1848 An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format
  2. Slater Mills - Child Labor
  3. Working Women in the 1830's - a WebQuest [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  4. 1900 America - Historical Voices, Poetic Visions A lesson plan can be found at this site
  5. The Gilded Age - Documenting Industry in America - Webquest [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  6. The Gilded Age - quiz This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
  7. Industrial Supremacy - Timeline -technology innovation impacted the U.S. after Civil War
  8. Child Labor Quest - lesson Plan A lesson plan can be found at this site
  9. Effect of Industrial Development - brief description
  10. Industrial Revolution Quiz - online quiz This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
  11. Video Lessons of 1800-1860 era - Transcendentalism, The Second Great Awakening, Utopian Movements, Humanitarian Reforms, Social Reforms, Women's Right, Abolitionism
Understand how the influx of immigrants after 1880 affected United States� culture.
  1. Asian American History Timeline: 19th century
  2. Asian American History Timeline: 20th century
  3. Irish Immigrants in America - 19th Century
  4. German Immigration -
  5. Immigration - Think Quest - The Living Mosaic of People, Culture, and Hope
  6. Evaluating the Economic Costs and Benefits of Immigration - from the Digital History site
Standard 2: Economics
Investigate how the modernization of agriculture and capitalist industrial development affected the economy of the United States
  1. The Iron Horse - The impact of the railroads on 19th century American society
  2. The Era of Expansion and Reform - Between two great wars - the Civil War and the first World War -the United States of America came of age
  3. Textile Industry - photos - Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks
  4. Story of American Agriculture - interactive multimedia site that tells the story of American agriculture and it's influence in American History.
  5. American Agriculture - its changing significance [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
Understand the economic disparity between farmers and wage earners as compared to industrial capitalists
  1. The Depression of 1893 - overview and primary source pictures
  2. The Rise of Industrial America - overview and pictures of the era
Standard 3: Geography
Recognize the geographic areas in which industrialism occurred
  1. Andrew Carnegie - A poor Scottish immigrant, Carnegie became a millionaire steel magnate
  2. Edgar Thomson Steel Works - information about this great company and its leaders [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
Recognize the areas affected by westward expansion of the United States
  1. Animated Map of Westward Expansion [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  2. Westward Expansion - 1850-1899 - historical map and info
  3. Rural America: the Westward movement - analyze primary source documents that present examples of both the perception and the reality of American westward migration during the 1800s A lesson plan can be found at this site
  4. The Transcontinental Railroad: Interpreting Images - analyze primary source illustrations, including paintings, political cartoons, and promotional posters A lesson plan can be found at this site
  5. Museum of Westward Expansion - Jefferson National Expansion Memorial; teacher resources, library and archive material [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
Standard 4: Governance and Civics
Understand the effects of the Civil War and Reconstruction on the United States politics
  1. Gilded Age Politics: 1877�1892 - events, key people, history
  2. Events & Issues: 1860-1900 - more than 20 historical events
  3. Reconstruction and Rights - Reconstruction Acts and treatment of the South
  4. The Reconstruction Acts: 1867 - Text of the primary source
  5. Johnson's Reconstruction Plan - Reconstruction plans of Lincoln, Johnson, Congress
  6. Reconstruction - Primary Sources, learning tools, visual aids and resources [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  7. The Ku Klux Klan During Reconstruction - summary of KKK activity [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  8. Opposing views on Reconstruction
  9. Video Lessons of Reconstruction era - Presidential Reconstruction, Congressional Reconstruction, Impeachment of Johnson A video is available through this link
  10. Wade-Davis Bill - primary source and history
Understand the political issues and problems that affected the United States during the last half of the nineteenth century
  1. The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson - online access to Harper's Weekly coverage of the historic 1868 Johnson Impeachment - with over 200 excerpts from 1865-1869 - selected specifically for the site.
  2. Parlor Songs - explore music in politics and enjoy some of the greatest, and not so great, political songs in American history
  3. Women's Suffrage - pictures
  4. One Hundred Years toward Suffrage : an overview - timeline
  5. Teaching With Documents: Woman Suffrage and the 19th Amendment - historical documents and a script that the National Archives commissioned about the decades long struggle
  6. Compromise of 1877 - political map and facts
  7. Great Railroad Strike of 1877 - The Railroad War - Primary Source
  8. Great Railroad Strike - Historical account
Standard 5: History
Investigate the dynamics of the post-Reconstruction era and the people and events that influenced the country
  1. Reconstruction
  2. Reconstruction Era and African Americans - Fruits of Reconstruction
  3. Video Lessons of post Reconstruction era - various topics A video is available through this link
Identify the events and impact of the westward movement and the Indian Wars
  1. Indian Wars - Conflicts, Struggles, Relocation
  2. The Sioux Uprising War - day-by-day listing of the events that occurred in the war:
  3. Sioux Treaty of 1868 - Primary sources to review along with teaching resources and lesson plan.
  4. Treaty of Fort Laramie - Primary source
Standard 6: Individuals Groups and Interactions
Appreciate the diversity of various cultures and their influences on the United States
  1. Asian American History Timeline: 19th century
  2. Asian American History Timeline: 20th century
  3. Immigration - Thinkquest site; 8 different cultures which immigrated.
  4. Italians in America - Thinkquest site
  5. German Immigrant Contributions - Lesson plan
  6. Russian Jews - Lower East Side NY
  7. The Chinese American Experience - 1857-1892
Investigate the effect of big business upon the lives of farmers and wage earners
  1. Trusts and Monopolies - History and Political Cartoons of the era
  2. Sherman AntiTrust Act - brief history
  3. Documenting Industrialization in America - Webquest
Era 6. Performance Indicators - Student
Level 1

recognize the concept of Manifest Destiny

  1. Manifest Destiny The Dragoon Expeditions - History and map resources [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  2. Manifest Destiny - historical info and map resources
  3. Manifest Destiny worksheet - A printable activity sheet which explains the concept of Manifest Destiny and how it is linked to westward expansion. Includes a source analysis activity.
  4. Manifest Destiny Crossword Puzzle - to print.
  5. Manifest Destiny Lesson Plan - handouts and video clips available with lesson. A lesson plan can be found at this site
identify how the effects of 19 th century warfare promoted the growth of industrialism (i.e., railroads, iron vs. steel industry, textiles, coal, rubber, processed foods)
  1. The Molly Maguires - an active labor force
  2. Railroads in the Civil War - new strategic weapon
  3. Revolution in Agriculture - a shift from hand labor to machine farming, and from subsistence to commercial agriculture
  4. Taming the Wilderness - Rivers, Roads, Canals, and Railroads
  5. Work in the Late 19th Century - machines changed the way people worked
identify major agricultural post-Civil War American geographic areas on a map
  1. Story of American Agriculture - interactive multimedia site that tells the story of American agriculture and it's influence in American History.
identify major urban areas of the United States on a map (i.e., Northeast, upper Midwest , Atlantic Coast , California )
  1. Big Cities at the Beginning of the Century - 1900 map
identify patterns of immigration and the causal factors that led to immigration to the United States of America (i.e., crop famines, California gold rush, European social and political unrest, religious freedom)
  1. Immigration - Thinkquest ; English, Germans, Italians, Irish, Japanese, Chinese, Africans, Jewish
  2. Greek Immigration - brief fact sheet
  3. Russian Immigration to Pittsburgh - brief history
  4. Russian Jewish Immigration - brief history
  5. Irish in America - article
  6. Causes of the Irish emigration - extensive history
  7. Italians in America - article
  8. Causes of the Italian mass emigration - article
  9. Swedish immigration to America -
Level 2

distinguish the differences in assimilation of "old" vs. "new" immigration. (i.e., languages, settlement patterns, education, employment, housing, Nativist reaction, religion, geographic origin)

  1. American Refuge: The Impact of European Religious Societies on Immigration and Settlement Patterns in America
  2. Where Did The Swedes Go? The Causes of Swedish Immigration and Settlement Patterns in America
read and interpret a primary source document reflecting the dynamics of the Gilded Age American society (e.g., Booker T. Washington's "Atlanta Compromise," Carnegie's "Gospel of Wealth," Sojourner Truth "Ain't I A Woman," Jane Addams' Hull House accounts, Jacob Riis photographs and/or writings, a sweatshop worker's personal story)
  1. Atlanta Compromise - Audio speech primary source
  2. Andrew Carnegie: The Gospel of Wealth, 1889 - excerpts
  3. The Gospel of Wealth - HTML copy of complete document
  4. Ain't I A Woman? by Sojourner Truth - Text of Speech
  5. Sojourner Truth Ain't I a Woman? - brief history and speech
  6. Jane Addams' Hull House accounts - summary of the book
  7. Hull-House Maps and Papers - Click on the links to read the selection
  8. Hull-House Maps and papers - Sociology in the Settlement
  9. Studies Among The Tenements of New York - Jacob A. Riis
  10. Jacob Riis - biography and photos
  11. Interview with a Garment Factory Worker - Asian immigrants
  12. Video Lessons of Gilded Age era - Tweed Ring, Corruption in Business and Government, Entrepreneurs, Workers in America, Major Strikes A video is available through this link
recognize technological, and industrial advancements to the era (i.e., advancements in mining, farming, or ranching)
  1. Agricultural Technology - Primary Source
  2. A History of American Agriculture 1776-1990 - Farm machinery and technology
  3. American Agriculture - its changing significance [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  4. Mining - Historical Mining Video
  5. A History of Mining in Idaho - history with many technology changes [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  6. Mining - Two Man Drill - brief description and photo
match innovators to their industrial and technological contributions (i.e., Vanderbilt, Westinghouse, Carnegie, Pullman , Hershey, Dupont, Bell , Edison , Rockefeller, Swift, and Armour)
  1. Telephone History Web site - provide links to the history of the telephone
  2. Alexander Bell - biography
  3. Thomas Edison - Early recordings using his invention [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  4. Edison's life and inventions - pictures and biography
  5. Edison's Patents - His issued patents are presented here in three lists�by execution date, patent date, and subject
  6. George Eastman - inventor of the first film in roll form in 1884 and the Kodak camera in 1888
  7. George Westinghouse - biography
  8. George Westinghouse - inventor
  9. George Westinghouse - Timeline of inventions [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  10. The Dupont Company - Dupont Nylon Collection, 1939-1977 [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
using a graph, determine the economic disparity among farmers, wage earners, immigrants, or racial groups when compared to industrial capitalists
interpret a political cartoon which portrays the controversial aspects of the Gilded Age (e.g. Populist reaction to politician and/or tycoons, railroad development, westward expansion, Dawes Act, urban developments)
  1. Analyzing Political Cartoons - fact sheet
  2. Cartoon Prints, American - more than 500 prints made in America during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries encompasses several forms of political art
  3. Political Cartoons - Lesson plans, resources
  4. Political Cartoons of the Early 1900's - a WebQuest
Level 3

analyze the impact of different forms of corruption and its consequences in American politics during the later half of the Age.(i.e., Grant's Black Friday, Credit Mobilier, Whiskey Ring, Tammany Hall, Boss System, Garfield 's assassination, Civil Service Reform, Granger laws, Interstate Commerce Act)

  1. Black Friday, September 24, 1869 - historical essay
  2. Black Friday - political cartoon and essay
  3. Grant Administration Major scandals - Credit Mobilier, Whiskey Ring, Black Friday
  4. Credit Mobilier - testimony of C. P. Huntington 1873
  5. Credit Mobilier - financial columnist James Surowiecki investigates the Cr�dit Mobilier scandal behind the financing of the Union Pacific railroad, and compares it to the Enron scandal nearly a century and a half later
  6. "A Complete and Graphic Account of the Cr�dit Mobilier Investigation" from "Behind the Scenes in Washington"
  7. Whiskey Ring - brief introduction
  8. Whiskey Ring - cartoon of the day and essay
  9. Tammany Hall - article
  10. Tammany Hall - historical essay
  11. Political Machines - Tammany Hall - good resource for understanding the system
  12. Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall Machine - historical essay
  13. Boss System - historical essay
  14. The Spoils System versus the Merit System - historical essay
assess the effect of late 19 th century technological innovation on the daily lives of American people (i.e., electricity, indoor plumbing, communication, transportation)
  1. Housework in Late 19th Century America
Era 6 Performance Indicators - Teacher Observation
Level 1

trace the stages of America 's westward growth through the analysis of maps and primary source accounts

  1. Cultural Maps in American Studies - many rare maps to examine as primary source accounts
  2. Historical Maps of the United States - maps on exploration, settling and territorial growth.
  3. Westward Settlement and the American West - many resources to select from
  4. Westward Expansion - Web sites to help teachers and students explore the theme of Westward expansion in the United States. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  5. Western Expansion - resources on Lewis & Clark, Oregon Trail, The West, The Gold Rush, Texas & The Alamo [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
illustrate differences between rural and urban economies
  1. Why do rural-urban linkages matter? - essay with Compare/Contrast Table
summarize why America is a "nation of immigrants"
  1. A nation of immigrants - summary
  2. Video Lessons of Urban Nation era - Chinese Immigrants, New Immigration, Reaction to New Immigration, Appeal of the City, Social Development, Squalid Side of the City. A video is available through this link
Level 2

analyze the economic, social, and political impact of permanent migration of farmers, miners, merchants, ranchers upon Native Americans in the West

  1. Removing Native Americans from their Land - article
  2. The Effects of Removal on American Indian Tribes - from the National Humanities Center
trace the settlement and transition to statehood of the Western territories
  1. Mapping the West - animated map
associate economic interests with their respective geographic regions by the use of a Venn diagram
  1. American Westward Movement - article with information about the economic interests of various geographic regions.
  2. The Growth of the American Economy - 1820-1860 time frame.
identify the effects of political patronage upon local and national politics
identify the origins and impact of Populism the use of historical investigation
  1. Populism and Progressivism Timeline -Populist and Progressive movements between 1869 and 1921.
  2. Rise of Populism - a time of economic and agrarian distress
  3. The Populists - a new political party
  4. The Farmers' Plight - 1890 - life of the farmer [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  5. William Jennings Bryan - the "Great Commoner." [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
analyze the dynamics of late 19 th Century immigration and the growth of Nativism
  1. Nativism - ethnic prejudice against immigrants
  2. American Nativism - conveys attitudes that immigrants encountered during the turn of the century.
  3. Californian Nativism - at odds with the miners
identify major leaders in industry and labor by contrasting their differing points of view through the use of a classroom debate
  1. The Lords of Industry - by Henry Demarest Lloyd (1847-1903) with the Chicago Tribune
  2. Samuel Gompers - Labor Leader
  3. John L. Lewis - Labor Leader
  4. A. Philip Randolph - Labor Leader [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  5. George Meany - Labor Leader
Level 3

analyze the basic principles of Turner's frontier thesis through the use of a debate

  1. Does the Frontier Experience Make America Exceptional ? - recent thinking and writing about the American frontier and the West and about American exceptionalism. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  2. How the Frontier Shaped the American Character - analyzes the Turner frontier thesis
analyze the theory of Social Darwinism and its appreciation to society and politics from multiple perspectives
  1. Social Darwinism - activity to evaluate the theory of Social Darwinism
  2. Social Darwinism - a Thinkquest activity.
illustrate through an artistic expression how 19 th C technology laid the foundations for an "American century"
  1. Freedom to Create - students research foreign-born artists who came to America and the impact they and their artistic ability had on American society and culture
Era 7: Emergence of Modern America (1890-1930)
Standard 1: Culture
Understand social tensions and their consequences after the turn of the century
  1. Video Lessons of Reform era - Social Alternatives, Women and Blacks in America, Wilson's New Freedom , The People's Party A video is available through this link
Understand the cultural changes in the early 20th century
  1. American Cultural History - 1900-1909 [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
Standard 2: Economics
Recognize how industrialization of World War I changed the United States economy

Understand the economy of the United States in the 1920's
  1. Economic History of the Roaring 20s - Mass consumption, mass production, mass polarization [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
Standard 3: Geography
Identify the countries involved in World War I
  1. Who Declared War and When - "list of the nations who formally declared hostilities during World War One, along with their date of entrance"
  2. Battlefield Maps - "large-scale maps covering the key battles and offensives on all fronts of the war from 1914-18."
Understand the geographic scope of American imperialism
Standard 4: Governance and Civics
Understand the reforms and changes in American politics and government as a result of the Progressive Movement
Understand the governmental policies that affected America and the world during the 1890's - 1930's
Standard 5: History
Understand the role of the United States in world affairs
  1. FDR Speeches and Documents - primary sources
  2. U. S. Foreign Policy - 1901-1941 [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
Understand the causes for WWI and the reasons for America �s entry into the war
  1. WWI Timeline - historical essay
  2. Causes for the First World War - caused by a number of interwoven factors. Links to the interwoven factors. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  3. Domestic Causes of WWI - historical article
  4. First World War Causes - many links to factors
  5. Causes of WWI - brief overview
  6. WWI-America and The Great War - Quiz online
Standard 6: Individuals Groups and Interactions
Understand the effect of World War I on the American people
  1. Casualties in World War I - chart
  2. Red Cross Responds to Societal Changes Following the First World War - article
  3. Effects of World War I
  4. A Land Fit for Heroes - "many of the heroes who went out to fight and die for their King and Country, their peacetime reward was unemployment, hunger and despair."
  5. Doughboys Return From the World War - "Doughboys, fresh from the trenches of France, brought home a special sense of identity. That sense would influence domestic and foreign policies for the next two decades."
Understand the moral, social, and cultural changes that occurred in the 1920's
  1. The 1920S: Politics, Economics, Society And Culture - outline [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  2. American Cultural History - The purpose of this web/library guide is to help the user gain a broad understanding of the Roaring 1920s. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  3. The Great Depression - Timeline
  4. The Great War and Popular Culture - Art, Music, Literature
Era 7 Performance Indicators - Student
Level 1
identify causes of American imperialism (i.e., raw materials, nationalism, missionaries, militarism, Monroe Doctrine)
  1. The Age of Imperialism - from an On-line History of the United States
  2. Monroe Doctrine - warned European powers not to interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere
identify consequences of American imperialism (i.e. Spanish American War, expanding trade, extractive economies, Panama Canal , the idea of a superior Anglo-Saxon culture, yellow journalism, military occupation)
  1. The Spanish American War - from an On-line History of the United States
  2. The Panama Canal - from an On-line History of the United States
  3. U. S. Military Intervention in Latin America - from an On-line History of the United States
  4. The Age of Imperialism - "the United States pursued an aggressive policy of expansionism"
  5. Anti-Imperialism in the United States - 1898-1935 ; platforms, essays, speeches, pamphlets, people in the movement and more.
  6. Video Lessons of Imperialism era - China, Spanish-American War, Panama Canal, Dollar Diplomacy, Roosevelt Corollary
recognize the progress of political and social reform in America during this era (i.e., Women's Suffrage, Regulation of food and drug, Initiative, Referendum, and Recall, protection of workers' rights, Antitrust Supreme Court decisions, Muckrakers)
  1. Antitrusts - definition of the laws and information about Congress and the federal branch of government.
  2. Antitrust Legislation - Sherman Act, Clayton Act
  3. Antitrust Enforcement and the Consumer - "pamphlet was prepared to alert consumers to the existence and importance of antitrust laws"
  4. Women's Rights - The Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg - pioneer for gender equality
  5. Muckraking - article with hyperlinks for more information on various topics and individuals.
Level 2
identify the causes of American involvement in World War I (i.e., security concerns, economic benefits, Wilsonian diplomacy, propaganda)
  1. How it Began - introduction to WWI with hyperlinks for more information about various topics.
  2. A PowerPoint show related to this standard Causes of WWI - [you'll find this ppt show in the index] very wordy but you can adapt it to class needs. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  3. Causes of World War I from a Balkan perspective - Lecture focusing on the Balkans. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  4. Causes of World War I - article with facts
  5. Propaganda - American Posters of World War One [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  6. The First World War - cases of the war; broken into various segments. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  7. Origins of the Great War - Timeline (1871-1914)
recognize the new trends, ideas, and innovations of the 1920's popular culture (i.e., radio, automobile, phonograph, Prohibition, birth control, organized crime, sports)
  1. 1920's Popular Culture
  2. Flapper Fashion
  3. The Politics of Prohibition: The 1920s - Lecture format with questions; lots of information with images. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  4. Organized Sports - Discovering our American Spirit - Electronic Field Trip. This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data A video is available through this link This resource includes voice instructions for students
  5. Prohibition in the 1920s - Video. A video is available through this link
  6. Postwar Society and Culture: Change and Adjustment - the chapter overview section contains lots of useful links [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  7. Radio - The Audion - prominent and practical applications of this device are illustrated and described.
  8. Recreation Yesterday and Today - excellent lesson plan with many resources, primary and secondary.
  9. The Yellow Wall-Paper. A Story - Charlotte Perkins Stetson -(facsimile of the original New England Magazine publication, including illustrations, from Cornell University's Making of America site) [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
recognize the role of Tennessee in the women's suffrage movement. (i.e. "the perfect 36", Anne Dallas Dudley, Harry Burn, Governor Albert Roberts)
  1. Anne Dallas Dudley - a national and state leader in the woman suffrage movement
  2. The Perfect 36 - Excerpt
  3. Elizabeth Avery Meriwether -Tennessee suffragist, temperance activist, publisher, and author
  4. Fighting for Rights - Thinkquest site - overall information, poems, images, quiz.
  5. Governor Albert H. Roberts - article
  6. Harry Burn - Nineteenth Amendment - article
  7. Harry Burn - The Nineteenth Amendment & the War of the Roses
  8. Tennessee League of Women Voters - article
  9. Tennessee Woman Suffrage Movement - article
  10. The Perfect 36 - article with images [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
determine the possible factors that led to the economic collapse of 1929 (i.e., over production of agriculture and industry, expansion of credit, financial speculation, agricultural crop failures, tariff barriers, laissez- faire)
  1. Big Bull Market - from the book "Only Yesterday: An Informal History of the 1920's"; what was happening in 1918.
  2. Cartoons on the Tariff Issue - visuals to use to discuss this issue
  3. How Can Big Business Make Money from Tariffs? - Lesson plan with resources included. A lesson plan can be found at this site
  4. How Buying on Margin Works - explanation of this process [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  5. Production Possibilities Curve - PPT show
  6. Revolution in Agriculture - article
read and interpret a primary source document reflecting the social dynamics of the 1920's. (e.g. Harlem Renaissance, Lost Generation, Ida Turnball, Upton Sinclair, Gifford Pinchot, Theodore Roosevelt)
Level 3
compare and contrast the philosophies of DuBois, Carver and Garvey

analyze the American isolationist position versus interventionist arguments
Era 7 Performance Indicators - Teacher Observation
Level 1
explain why countries seek colonies and define mercantilism
  1. Colonial Mercantilism - article
  2. Colonial Trade - map of trade [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  3. Navigation Acts - Brief explanation
recognize European countries by their alliance systems and spheres of influence by using a map
  1. 1879-1914: The Deadly Alliances -overviews of the many alliances that led up to the war, includes text of documents and maps and war facts about the countries
  2. Triple Alliance - map
explain the dynamics of political and social reform
Level 2
describe the changes in American life due to and exemplified in the new forms of media, art, and technology (e.g. radio, movies, jazz, sports)
  1. Music - Historical overview [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  2. Twentieth Century Inventions - Timeline of inventions with hyperlinks for exploring inventions.
  3. Turn of the Century - many links and interactive sites
  4. Picturing Modern America - Historical Thinking Exercises
trace America 's entry and involvement in World War I by using a timeline
  1. U.S. involvement in WWI - Timeline
  2. WWI Timeline - from Pre-1914 until Post 1919
  3. WWI - from Columbia Encyclopedia. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  4. Video Lessons of World War I - causes A video is available through this link
  5. Video Lessons on World War I - on land, sea and air A video is available through this link
examine the transition of America 's foreign policy in reaction to international dynamics spawned from World War I
summarize the various aspects of the "Roaring 20's" through the analysis of stories, essays, song, or dance
  1. Heroes, Flappers and Artists - article with hyperlinks
  2. Flappers in the Roaring 20s - article
  3. The Roaring 20s - Herbert Hoover Library - overview of time period [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
Level 3
evaluate the long term political impact of laissez faire policies
  1. Laissez Faire - General Info
  2. The Myth Of Laissez-Faire in American History - article
  3. The role of government in the economy - Laissez faire vs gov't intervention [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
critique American art and literature from the Social Realists to the Harlem Renaissance to the "Lost Generation"
  1. American Realism - Emergence of Realism [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  2. Drop Me Off in Harlem - many resources [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  3. Circle's Harlem Renaissance - Timeline of the Harlem Renaissance
  4. Harlem Renaissance Multimedia resource -
appraise the growing impact of militarism on 20 th century warfare and economy
compare and contrast President Theodore Roosevelt's style of Progressivism and Wilsonian Progressivism
  1. Progressivism - Theodore Roosevelt's address before the Convention of the National Progressive Party in Chicago, August, 1912; original audio and video clips. A video is available through this link
  2. The Progressive Era - Flashcards, Quizzes, Outlines [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]

Era 8: The Great Depression and World War II (1929-1945)

Standard 1: Culture
Understand the effect of the Great Depression upon American society
  1. Overview of the Great Depression - Unemployment, agriculture, Industry and labor and more.
  2. The Roaring 20s and the Great Depression - many links and articles.
  3. The Great Depression - Overview of people and events
  4. Main Causes of the Great Depression - essay
  5. President Hoover and the Great Depression - video lesson A video is available through this link
  6. America During the Great Depression - [video] The Dust Bowl, Unemployment & Cultural Issues A video is available through this link
  7. The Great Depression - [video] Timeline, Causes & Impact A video is available through this link
Understand the effects of World War II upon American society
  1. Who's Who of WWII - Quia Quiz A video is available through this link
  2. The United States During WWII - [video] The Home Front A video is available through this link
  3. World War II - [video] The Start of the Second World War A video is available through this link
  4. Asian American History Timeline: 20th century
Standard 2: Economics
Understand the economic climate in the United States during the Depression Era
  1. America's Great Depression - Business cycles and the Federal Reserve Board
  2. The Great Crash and the Great Slump - Business cycles and economics; graphs included
  3. The Great Depression of the 1930's - many graphs included [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  4. The Great Depression - from Answers.com

Understand how World War II affected the American economy
Standard 3: Geography
Identify the countries affected by the totalitarian states and their acts of aggression and expansion considering geographic location
  1. The Age of Totalitarianism: Stalin and Hitler - lecture on this topic
  2. Nazi Fascism and the Modern Totalitarian State - lesson plan.
  3. Japan's Economic Expansion into Manchuria and China in World War Two - article

Identify the various theaters of war during World War II
  1. Asian American History Timeline: 20th century
  2. Stopping the Tide - The Battle of Midway, 4 - 6 June 1942
  3. Battle of the Atlantic - article
  4. Battle of the Coral Sea - table to visualize fleets
  5. Battles - Naval Encyclopedia of World War 2 - extensive resource of the numerous battles.
  6. The European Theater - strategic and historical maps covering all aspects of the European Theater during World War II
  7. The Pacific Ocean on the eve of Pearl Harbor
    (December 6, 1941 )
    - map from the Naval Encyclopedia
Standard 4: Governance and Civics
Recognize the effects of the Great Depression on the United States political and judicial system
  1. President Hoover and the Great Depression - video lesson A video is available through this link
  2. America During the Great Depression - [video] The Dust Bowl, Unemployment & Cultural Issues A video is available through this link
  3. The Great Depression - [video] Timeline, Causes & Impact A video is available through this link
Recognize the effects of political policies on civil liberties during World War II
  1. Japanese American History - Removal and Internment of Japanese Americans [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
Standard 5: History
Investigate the causes, effects and attempts to deal with the Great Depression
  1. Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act - explanation
  2. Reconstruction Finance Corporation - brief article of its purpose
  3. Reconstruction Finance Corporation - brief explanation
  4. Reconstruction Finance Corporation - primary source pamphlet
  5. Jesse Holman Jones (1874-1956) - head of the RFC and Secretary of Commerce
  6. FDIC -Who is the FDIC and its purpose
  7. Veto of the Emergency Relief and Construction Bill, July 11, 1932 - primary source

Investigate the causes and significance of World War II
  1. Road to World War II - open this link in Internet Explorer
  2. The Covenant of the League of Nations - complete document
  3. Causes of WWII - causes and early stages of the war [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  4. The Causes of the Second World War -excellent site with detailed information
  5. Vocabulary and definitions of WWII - online Quia quiz This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data
  6. WWII Timeline - information links at bottom of the timeline.
Standard 6: Individuals Groups and Interactions
Understand the changes in American life as a result of the Great Depression
  1. Labor Unions During the Great Depression and New Deal - Primary sources of information
  2. The Great Depression Webquest - Brother Can you Spare a Dime? (some resource links dead)
  3. Tales from the Rails - the stories of 7 teenage hobos.
  4. African American Hobos - obstacles they faced

Understand the changing dynamics of American life during World War II
  1. Asian American History Timeline: 20th century
  2. Timeline of the Great Depression - Depression era timeline.
Era 8 Performance Indicators - Student
Level 1
identify the causes of World War II (i.e., Treaty of Versailles, fascism, failure of the League of Nations , Japanese imperialism, economic worldwide difficulties)
  1. Asian American History Timeline: 20th century
  2. The Covenant of the League of Nations - complete document
  3. The Causes of the Second World War -excellent site with detailed information
  4. Road to World War II -syllabus and content. Great site!
  5. Causes of WWII - causes and early stages of the war [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  6. The Causes of the Second World War -excellent site with detailed information
recognize the negative patterns of an economic cycle (i.e., increase of unemployment, decrease of price level, excess inventory, decrease of production, prepossession, increase of business failure, and bankruptcy)
  1. Business Cycle - article and table of information
  2. Main Causes of the Great Depression - article
  3. Timeline of the Great Depression -general events and leading economic indicators
  4. The case of unemployment - article with graphs to help explain extent.
recognize the definitions of totalitarianism, fascism, communism, nationalism, and anti-Semitism
  1. Communism - Definition from the Glossary of Political Economy Terms.
  2. Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism - By Dr. Lawrence Britt
  3. What is Fascism? - article by Chip Berlet
  4. The Rise of Benito Mussolini and Italian Fascism - [video] Facts, Timeline & Quiz A video is available through this link
  5. Nattionalism - Jeopardy Review - interactive game This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data
  6. Nationalism - Vocabulary Review - vocabulary list with definitions.
  7. Nationalism - Background and definition [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  8. The Age of Totalitarianism: Stalin and Hitler - from the History Guide
identify the changes in social and cultural life caused by the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl (i.e., Hoovervilles, Bonus Army, migrations, worldwide economic depression, Democrat victory in 1932, widespread poverty, unemployment, religious revivalism)
  1. Bonus March - article
  2. Bonus Marchers - information and pictures.
  3. The Drought - article
  4. Great Depression and World War II Years ; African American Art - Examples of Art work in that time period.
  5. Hard Times - audio interviews of people who experienced the Depression This resource includes voice instructions for students
  6. Latin America and Economic Depression - article
  7. Color Photographs from the FSA and OWI - 1939-1945
  8. Surviving the Dust Bowl - Eyewitness account
  9. Timeline of the Dust Bowl - Timeline
  10. The World in Depression, 1929-39 - An Explanation of the 1929 Depression
Level 2
interpret a timeline of major events from World War II
  1. Asian American History Timeline: 20th century
  2. War in Europe - This timeline covers all the political and military events that occurred across the whole of Europe between the years 1939 and 1945.
  3. World War Two in Europe - Timeline with Photos and Text
identify New Deal Programs/Initiatives (i.e. Social Security, WPA, TVA, Indian Reorganization Act, FDIC, CCC , Wagner/Fair Labor Standards' Act)
  1. New Deal Network - resources on the New Deal.; lesson plans, primary documents, press conferences, speeches and more.
  2. The Living Newspaper - created by the Federal Theater Project in the 30s in order to dramatize current and historical events.
using a map, recognize World War II alliances
  1. Europe on the Eve of World War II, 1939 -
  2. European Theater of Operations - animated map
  3. Interactive Maps of World War II - click on the map and the numbers to find more information
  4. The Second World War - Allied Nation maps
analyze how World War II affected the American economy (i.e., women in the workforce, movement to urban centers, military industrial complex, minority employment, post war G.I.Bill, globalization, rationing, childcare)
  1. GI Bill- Act of June 22, 1944 - primary source
  2. Women and the Home Front During World War II - article on women roles changes during the war.
  3. WWII Opportunity Knocks and Women Across America Answer - article
  4. A History of the Richmond Shipyards - Rosie the Riveter/ issues of women going to work.
  5. World War II Rationing - . Rationing would deeply affect the American way of life for most.
  6. What was life like during the Second World War? - online resource that looks at aspects of life during the Second World War.
  7. Rationing - Basic facts on point rationing were outlined today by H.P. Bailey, Chairman of the Harrison-Mamaroneck War Price and Rationing Board - primary source article
Recognize the effect of the New Deal and World War II on Tennessee (i.e., the creation of Fort Campbell , Kentucky , Tennessee Valley Authority, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Oak Ridge )
  1. Tennessee Valley Authority Act (1933) - brief history of the formation; also primary document of Act.
  2. From the New Deal to a New Century - a short history of TVA
  3. Fort Campbell - history and information
  4. The Franklin Roosevelt Administration- Cordell Hull - biography
  5. Cordell Hull - The Nobel Peace Prize 1945 - Acceptance speech
  6. The Oak Ridge Story - historical article, pictures available at the other links on the tabs. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
Level 3
evaluate the impact of the Manhattan Project. (i.e., the creation of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, nuclear proliferation, espionage, ethical debate, medical experimentation, Nagasaki, Hiroshima)
  1. Translations of Two Leaflets Dropped on Japanese Cities Shortly after the First Atomic Bomb was Dropped - primary source
  2. Atomic Bomb- Decision - Documents on the decision to use Atomic Bomb.
  3. The Manhattan Project- An Interactive History - The events of the Atomic Era; images included. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  4. World War II Secret City - Oak Ridge wants to let visitors in on secret [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  5. Citizens of Oak Ridge describe life in the Secret City during World War II - article and first hand reports. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  6. The impact of the bombing on Nagasaki - short history but don't miss the side bar that includes Health and Environmental Effects and activities [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.] This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
interpret a political cartoon involving the New Deal
  1. FDR Cartoons achieve - cartoons categorized by date
Era 8 Performance Indicators - Teacher Observation
Level 1
explain the effect of poverty on people's lives by examining multiple perspectives
  1. Recordings from Hard Times - oral histories of people who lived in Depression times.
give general political responses to economic calamity
define aggression, appeasement, and totalitarianism
  1. An Appeasement History - brief history [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  2. Totalitarianism - definition [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
Level 2
recognize how the industrial and agricultural crisis negatively impacted different socioeconomic groups (e.g., WWI veterans, farmers, women, minorities, factory workers)
describe how the events can be interpreted as watershed events. (e.g., Bonus Army, the election of 1932, the entry into World War II)
trace the evolution of FDR's New Deal policies and the opposition to them
  1. President Hoover and the Great Depression - video lesson A video is available through this link
  2. America During the Great Depression - [video] The Dust Bowl, Unemployment & Cultural Issues A video is available through this link
  3. The Great Depression - [video] Timeline, Causes & Impact A video is available through this link
compare and contrast the United States ' military strategy in Asian and European theaters of war
  1. Asian American History Timeline: 20th century
explore how World War II impacted everyday American life
  1. The United States During WWII - [video] The Home Front A video is available through this link
  2. World War II - [video] The Start of the Second World War A video is available through this link
recognize the various contributions that Tennessee geographic regions made to the war effort (e.g., Camp Campbell , Camp Forrest , Tennessee "volunteerism", Memphis manufacturing firms, Chattanooga 's war production plants, Knoxville 's TVA and ALCOA influence, and Kingsport 's Eastman explosive plant)
Level 3
appraise how World War II impacted America 's perception of human rights and national security issues

assess the lasting impact of the New Deal (e.g., political parties, social security, court packing, possible term limits, works projects)
  1. The New Deal :Domestic Policies - quiz one about this topic This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
  2. The New Deal :Domestic Policies - quiz two about this topic This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
  3. The New Deal :Domestic Policies - quiz three about this topic This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
  4. The New Deal :Domestic Policies - quiz five about this topic This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
consider how World War II promoted the formation of a new "American" identity

Era 9: Post World War II Era (1945-1970s)

Standard 1: Culture
Investigate the impact of the GI Bill of Rights on American society
  1. GI Bill - Primary Source original document
  2. Born of Controversy: The GI Bill of Rights - information on the passage of the bill and President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Statement on Signing the G. I. Bill [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
Investigate the effects of desegregation, the Civil Rights Movement, and the turbulent 1960s upon American society
  1. Desegregation and Civil Rights - African Americans in Wisconsin; primary sources
  2. The Civil Rights Era - Many resources from this time period; political cartoons and primary sources
  3. Voices of Civil Rights - individual accounts and oral histories of their experiences through the Civil Rights Movement.
  4. Timeline - The 60s - click your way through the years of civil unrest to learn of highlights of that time. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  5. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - Background information; also Document Analysis Worksheets available on this site.
Standard 2: Economics
Understand how demobilization and conversion to a peacetime economy affected the United States
  1. Demobilization - 1945 - effect of V-E Day on Huntsville Arsenal [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]

Understand how sustained growth led to an affluent society
  1. Big Era Nine - The scope of wealth and poverty; background information
Standard 3: Geography
Identify countries dominated and threatened by communism after World War II
  1. The Chinese Revolution and Creation of Taiwan - [video] History & Timeline A video is available through this link
Identify the major areas of the world in which the United States was involved after 1945
  1. Korea - Why the U.S. got involved with Korea
  2. Korea - the occupation of Korea by the communists [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  3. Vietnam - Why did the USA go to war in Vietnam? [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  4. The Korean War - [video] Causes and Effects A video is available through this link
Standard 4: Governance and Civics
Understand the causes, course, and impact of the Civil Rights Movement
  1. Separate is not Equal - All inclusive site offers Court battles, legal campaigns, Supreme Court decision and more
  2. Milestones in the modern civil rights movement - Timeline
  3. The Civil Rights Movement During the 1950s - video lesson A video is available through this link
  4. The Civil Rights Movement During the 1960s - video lesson A video is available through this link
  5. African Americans in the U.S. - [video] History, Heritage & Cultural Issues A video is available through this link
Investigate Supreme Court decisions that affected the United States from 1945 to the early 1970's
  1. Rosa Parks - pivotal figure in the fight for civil rights
  2. Brown v. Board of Education Case - [video] Summary, Significance & Quiz A video is available through this link
Standard 5: History
Understand the causes, course, and effects of the Cold War
  1. The Cold War - Causes of war and reaction of U.S. - map included. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  2. The Course of the Cold War - article from Time
Investigate and understand the active theaters of conflict during the Cold War
Standard 6: Individuals Groups and Interactions
Understand how the "baby boom," suburbanization, desegregation, and other social movements affected American society

Understand how Cold War conformity conflicted with individual rights and self-expression

Investigate how technological change transformed American society and created popular culture War II
ERa 9 Performance Indicators - Student
Level 1
recognize differences among the victorious Allied Powers after World War II (i.e., capitalist, communist, military structure, individual differences)
  1. Communism versus Capitalism - Cold War from 1945 to 1991
distinguish social inequities in America in the post World War II era (i.e., racial segregation, generation conflict, gender equity, ethnic identification)
locate and label countries, using a map, dominated or threatened by Communism
recognize the impact of technological and cultural changes on American society (i.e., Space Race, Hollywood , communication networks, mass media, medical advances, interstate highway system)
Level 2
identify areas associated with American containment policies (i.e., Korea , Vietnam , Cuba , East and West Germany )

recognize domestic impact of the Cold War on American society (i.e., McCarthyism, fear, conformity, counterculture, generation gap, highway system, consumerism)
determine the effects of the Supreme Court's decisions on Civil Rights (i.e., Plessy v. Ferguson , Brown v. Board, Miranda v. Arizona , Gideon v. Wainwright)
identify significant events in the struggle for Civil Rights (i.e. Little Rock Central High, Montgomery Bus Boycott, Freedom Rider's route, Birmingham bombings, Nashville lunch counters, Ole Miss, Martin Luther King's March on Washington speech, Civil Rights 1964, Civil Rights 1968, Great Society)
recognize the altered American approach to foreign policy (i.e., Bay of Pigs , Brinkmanship, Cuban Missile Crisis, peaceful coexistence)
match leading figures of the Civil Rights era with their respective groups and goals (i.e., Strom Thurman, Bull O'Conner, George Wallace, Diane Nash, Betty Friedan, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, Albert Gore, Sr)
read and interpret Cold War documents (e.g., Truman's announcement of the dropping atomic bombs, the contrast between Eisenhower's and Kennedy's speeches at Kennedy's inaugural, Goldwater's 1964 party nomination acceptance speech, Johnson's Gulf of Tonkin declaration)
  1. Truman and the Beginning of the Cold War - quiz about this topic This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
  2. Truman and the Beginning of the Cold War - quiz about this topic This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
  3. Truman and the Beginning of the Cold War - quiz about this topic This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
identify the changes in the music industry brought about by Tennessee 's influence (i.e., Grand Ole Opry, WSM , Nashville music publishing, Memphis Sun Studio, Elvis Presley)
Level 3

evaluate socio-economic impact of the post World War II Baby Boomer generation (i.e., media, entertainment, sports, suburbia, education, and counterculture)

Era 9 Performance Indicators - Teacher Observation
Level 1
map the post World War II geographic changes

contrast communism and capitalism
list milestones in American Civil Rights in terms of ethnicity and gender
Level 2
explain the G. I. Bill and its subsequent effects

illustrate domestic and foreign policy issues of the Truman presidential administration
examine domestic and foreign policy issues of the Eisenhower presidential administration
compare the ideologies and effectiveness of different groups involved in the Civil Rights and women's movement
compare and contrast the domestic and foreign policies of the Kennedy/Johnson administrations to the Nixon administration
describe the expansion of suburbanization and analyze how the "crabgrass frontier" affected American society
Level 3
assess America 's socioeconomic dynamic as a postwar superpower

evaluate how the threat of nuclear holocaust contributed to international stability
investigate the effects of the turbulent 1960's upon American society
analyze Tennessean Estes Kefauver's role in as chairman of the Senate Special Committee to Investigate Organized Crime in Interstate Commerce's role and participation in the Civil Rights movement

Era 10: Post World War II Era (1945-1970s)

Standard 1: Culture
Recognize how the scientific and technological advances of the computer age influenced American culture
  1. Timeline of Computer History - "This timeline explores the history of computing from 1939 to 1994. Each year features illustrated descriptions of significant innovations in hardware and software technology, as well as milestones in areas such as commercial applications and artificial intelligence"
  2. Technology during the Cold War -"The development of computer technology and its impact on the Cold War" [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
Recognize the transition of minorities, women, and culture groups through history
  1. The History of Women's History - article from InfoPlease
  2. Women's History -overview
  3. Women's Rights Movement in the U.S. - Timeline of Key Events in the American Women's Rights Movement 1848–1920
  4. The Path of the Women's Rights Movement - A Timeline of the Women's Rights Movement 1848 - 1998
  5. Woman Suffrage Timeline - 1840-1920
  6. Timeline - The U.S. Women's Movement
  7. Timeline of Women's Suffrage in the United States
  8. One Hundred Years toward Suffrage - An Overview
Standard 2: Economics
Investigate trends in the overall economic cycle since the 1970's
  1. Responding to the Oil Shock - the U.S. economy since 1973 [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  2. Economic and Labor Market Trends - how it affected workers and their families [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.] An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format
  3. U.S. Economy - energy prices impact economy PDF format
  4. Economy - economic growth and recovery
Standard 3: Geography
Investigate the ongoing population shifts from urban to suburban and the migration from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt
  1. From the "Rust Belt" to the "Sun Belt " - The demise of the manufacturing sector in the so-called Rust Belt fed part of the return south
  2. Return Migration to the South - In the early 1970s the migration trend of the previous five decades began to reverse
  3. The Rust Belt and the Sun Belt - article with maps of the belts [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.] An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format
Identify areas of the world in which commercial and security interests involved the United States from 1968 to the present
Standard 4: Governance and Civics
Investigate the impact of political turmoil on American attitudes toward governance since 1968
  1. 1968: The Year that Changed the Nation - video lesson A video is available through this link
  2. Gerald Ford: Biography, Presidency and Facts - video lesson A video is available through this link
  3. The Watergate Scandal & President Nixon - [video] Investigation & Resignation A video is available through this link
  4. Foreign Policies of President Nixon - [video] Vietnamization & Détente A video is available through this link
Identify the impact of constitutional change, various civil rights movements, feminism, and the Reagan Revolution
Standard 5: History
Understand the causes, the course, and the effects of the Vietnam War at home and abroad
  1. Vietnam War - Thinkquest ; summary, timeline, political leaders
  2. About the Vietnam War -Timelines, maps, the cause, course of the war and more.
  3. How the U.S. got involved in Vietnam -Interactive diagram. Students type in the answers to the questions.
  4. The Effects of the Vietnam War - "The course of American History was drastically changed by the Vietnam War"
  5. Learn About the Vietnam War - consequences of the war [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  6. 1968: The Year that Changed the Nation - video lesson A video is available through this link
  7. Gerald Ford: Biography, Presidency and Facts - video lesson A video is available through this link
  8. The Watergate Scandal & President Nixon - [video] Investigation & Resignation A video is available through this link
  9. Foreign Policies of President Nixon - [video] Vietnamization & Détente A video is available through this link
Investigate domestic and foreign policy trends since 1968
  1. Foreign Policy - Bill Clinton
  2. Foreign Policy in Focus - news articles
  3. Foreign Policy Triumphs - 1970s [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  4. 1968: The Year that Changed the Nation - video lesson A video is available through this link
  5. Gerald Ford: Biography, Presidency and Facts - video lesson A video is available through this link
  6. The Watergate Scandal & President Nixon - [video] Investigation & Resignation A video is available through this link
  7. Foreign Policies of President Nixon - [video] Vietnamization & Détente A video is available through this link
Standard 6: Individuals Groups and Interactions
Understand the dynamics of the modern American family
  1. The Modern Family - the reshaping of American family life
  2. The Post-Modern Family - Similarities and differences between post-modern and pre-modern families

Understand the implications of the changing American society

  1. 1968: The Year that Changed the Nation - video lesson A video is available through this link
  2. Gerald Ford: Biography, Presidency and Facts - video lesson A video is available through this link
  3. The Watergate Scandal & President Nixon - [video] Investigation & Resignation A video is available through this link
  4. Foreign Policies of President Nixon - [video] Vietnamization & Détente A video is available through this link
Era 10 Performance Indicators - Student
Level 1

match innovators or entrepreneurs in the new "new economy" (i.e., Sam Walton, Michael Dell, Ray Kroc, Lee Iococca, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos).

Level 2
recognize the roles of the key figures of Watergate (i.e., administration, investigators, media)
  1. The Watergate Key Players - learn the roles of the key figures; Washington Post
  2. Key Figures in Watergate Scandal - StudyStack Flash Cards
  3. Watergate Chronology - Detailed Timeline with hyperlinks giving explanations.
  4. Illusion & Delusion: The Watergate Decade - photos and information
use a timeline to identify America 's interest and participation in Southeast Asia since World War II
Level 3

compare and contrast the Reagan and George H. Bush administrations with the Clinton administrations and the nature of their respective political opposition (i.e., economic, domestic, budgets, foreign policy, ethics, and generational values).

  1. 1960-1980 Challenge - Rags to Riches game format
  2. Reaganomics - [video] Success, Failures & Effects A video is available through this link
  3. President Ronald Reagan's Foreign Policy - video lesson A video is available through this link
  4. Bill Clinton's Domestic Policy - [video] the Economy, Healthcare, Welfare & Social Policies A video is available through this link
  5. President George H. W. Bush - Foreign Policy video lesson A video is available through this link
  6. President George H. W. Bush - Domestic Policy and Accomplishments - video lesson A video is available through this link
  7. The Presidential Election of 1992 - Bill Clinton, Ross Perot & George H. W. Bush - video lesson A video is available through this link
Era 10 Performance Indicators - Teacher Observation
Level 1
recognize the impact of scandal on American politics
  1. Political Corruption - Political corruption undermines political and economic development in many countries, and raises difficult challenges for foreign aid.
  2. Watergate scandal - article with hyperlinks for more details on individuals and topic
  3. Watergate Chronology - Detailed Timeline with hyperlinks giving explanations.
  4. Video Lessons of Imperial Presidency era - Watergate
  5. The Presidential Election of 1992 - Bill Clinton, Ross Perot & George H. W. Bush - video lesson A video is available through this link
recall prior cultural advances that occurred as a result of inventions and innovations
  1. 20th Century Innovation Timeline - Timeline of innovations
  2. A Century of New Ideas - "Advances in science, medicine and creative inventions came at such a rapid pace that society now complains of information and gadget overload. Innovative advances that seem mysterious a hundred years ago, soon became commonplace. Society in history absorbed them all, and everything subtly affected the lives we lead today."
review prior American migration and immigration patterns
  1. The History of Ellis Island - Thinkquest activity
  2. Peopling North America : - Population Movements & Migration [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
  3. A New Century: Immigration and the US - "immigration, perhaps more than any other social, political, or economic process, has shaped the United States over the past century"
  4. Foreign Immigrants in Industrial America - Stanley K. Schultz, Professor of History; William P. Tishler, Producer [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
Level 2
investigate trends in the overall economic cycle from President Nixon to the present
examine the roles of the key figures of Watergate (e.g., administration, investigators, and the media)
  1. Key Figures in Watergate Scandal - StudyStack Flash Cards
  2. Watergate Chronology - Detailed Timeline with hyperlinks giving explanations.
  3. Illusion & Delusion: The Watergate Decade - photos and information
  4. Watergate Chronology - from the Washington Post
construct a timeline of America 's interest and participation in Southeast Asia since World War II
explain the influence of modern media e.g. internet upon American lifestyles
discuss the political impact of generational issues such as social security, health care, and the national deficit
discuss the Reagan and Clinton administrations and the nature of their respective political opposition
Level 3
consider the challenges to the American family presented by contemporary society
evaluate the ongoing influence of the Vietnam War upon United States foreign policy
analyze the impact of hemispheric issues upon America 's course in the 21 st Century

History Review Quizzes
Brief Review in United States History and Government - Pearson Education
Forest Hills High School - U.S. History and Civics Links with EOC tests and quizzes - some are interactive and some are to print.
Fun Trivia - Study your history with fun quizzes!
History Teacher - Multiple choice quizzes on various U.S. History topics for EOC test
Preparing for the TN EOC U. S History Course - compiled by students at Ridgeway High School in Memphis, TN - page on web.archive.org site.
Review exercise for the NC EOC test - Quia quiz
Mrs. Michelle Edwards Social Studies Instructor - her Quia site with many many resources! This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
American History Flash Card Review - from FlashCard Exchange
U.S. History Practice SOL Quiz - Quia quiz This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
N.C U.S History Sample Items - PDF format
World History I and II - SOL review online quizzes This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding

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