UbD - Sample Lesson Plans
Links verified 2/7/2021
- Algebra - Lesson (Variables - Grade 5) - Written by Laura Grimwad, Rockdale County; Students will understand that variables, such as n or x, are used to represent unknown quantities in algebraic expressions, relationships exist between variables and quantities in algebraic expressions, word problems can be solved using variables
- Third grade multiplication - Students will develop and use number sense to investigate the characteristics of numbers in a variety of forms and modes of operation.
Middle/High School
- The Scarlet Letter and The Crucible- English 3 AP/G/T - Students will look at the American dream in the context of alienation and self-discovery during the Colonial period.
- Macbeth English 4 created June 2000 - Students will be able to: Interpret stylistic devices. Trace the downfall of Macbeth. Trace the ripple effect of Macbeth's actions. Explain how order is restored.
- Grade 6 Science/Measurement - Students will use computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and following scientific explanations
- A Tale of Two Cities - English 4 created 2000 - How does fate play a role in the evolution of the hero? How do power and vengeance influence the choices made? How does the past influence the present?
- The Story of America: - Innovation In History; Explore the growth of the United States industry and the role of innovation in making the United States a World Power. Grade 11
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