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Homework Help for Parents

Homework Help

How do you learn best?

Links verified 07/29/2019

Help your child discover the best individual homework strategies for him/her.

1. 106 Ways Parents Can Help Students Achieve.

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An Article from Education World suggesting "101 Ways Parents Can Help Students Achieve", a booklet from the American Association of School Administrators, as a valuable tool for principals, teachers, and parents. SEE MORE
2. Achieve Assignment Goals.

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Try this eight-step exercise first to learn the best way to achieve assignment goals. SEE MORE
3. Become a Master Test Taker.

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Fill out this exercise to help you establish good habits for taking tests. SEE MORE
4. Concentrating while Studying.

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Strategies for keeping your focus to the task at hand. SEE MORE
5. Create a Learning Environment At Home.

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Learn how to create a physical learning environment in your home and get eight practices that are conducive to your child’s cognitive growth. SEE MORE
6. Good Study Habits.

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Take this quiz to learn effective habits for effective study. SEE MORE
7. Helping Students Get the Most out of Homework.

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Suggestions from the NEA [This expired page is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine.) SEE MORE
8. Helping Your Child Be Successful in School.

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Where are the best places to find information for a school project or an area of interest? Homework Help is your connection to some of the best educational resources on the web. Suggestions from the Peel School District in Ontario, Canada SEE MORE
9. Helping Your Child Series.

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Pamphlets from the US Department of Education - Office of Educational Research and Improvement. The Helping Your Child publication series aims to provide parents with the tools and information necessary to help their children succeed in school and life. These booklets feature practical lessons and activities to help their school aged and preschool children master reading, understand the value of homework and develop the skills necessary to achieve. SEE MORE
10. Helping Your Child With Homework - Kid Source.

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The Office of Educational Research and Improvement has produced Helping Your Child With Homework to contribute to the drive to increase family involvement in children's learning. As the handbook points out, we know that children who spend more time on homework, on average, do better in school, and that the academic benefits increase as children move into the upper grades. SEE MORE
11. Helping Your Child With Homework.

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This pdf booklet helps answer questions that parents, family members and others who care for children in elementary and middle school often ask about homework. The booklet also includes practical ideas for helping children to complete homework assignments successfully. (Also available in Spanish.) SEE MORE
12. Homework Chart.

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A homework reward chart might be just what you need to end the homework nightmare! In many cases, the chart will assist you to make homework time more pleasant and motivate your kids to do homework without even having to ask! SEE MORE
13. Link4Learning.

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A blog & podcast produced by a teacher (Penny Ryder) with video guidance on homework help for students. SEE MORE
14. Managing Homework.

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Helpful tips, suggestions, guidelines, and interventions on how to make the homework struggle a more stress-free and productive experience. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.] SEE MORE
15. School Resources for Parents.

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Homework help, skill-building tips in every school subject, educational printables and worksheets, plus advice on report cards and talking with the teacher. SEE MORE
16. Social Studies Homework Help.

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(An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format) Ideas on how to assist children with social studies homework [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.] SEE MORE
17. Studying Methods.

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Strategies for learning how well you know the material and learning to think about it, rather than just look over it. SEE MORE
18. Test Taking Help.

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Studying, learning and reviewing material before a test. SEE MORE



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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