Flag Day
Links checked 06-07-2024
What is Flag Day?
Flag Day is the day Americans to celebrate and show appreciation for our flag and all involved in its creation. Our flag stands for our independence and our unity as a nation. Many people have died protecting it with our flag at the lead of every battle fought by Americans. Our flag also stands proudly on the surface of the moon.
When: Always June 14th
1. Art and Craft Projects for Flag Day.
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Flags and Patriotic Collages  SEE MORE
2. Color the Flag.
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Printable state flag outlines. SEE MORE
3. Early U.S Flags.
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During the earliest days of the United States, the situation regarding Flags was much different than it is today; there was no one single design, nor was there much conformity in flags even within a single design specification. SEE MORE
4. English Lesson Plan on Flag Day.
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Reading passages and quizzes in cloze gap style and multiple choice style, also a vocabulary section, a scrambled sentence section and more.(middle/high school)  SEE MORE
5. Facts about the United States Flag.
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Flag of the United States - Facts About the United States Flag  SEE MORE
6. Flag Day Lesson.
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This site includes worksheets, quizzes, puzzles and a video. (elementary)  SEE MORE
7. Flag Folding.
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The rules of Flag Folding and the Flag Folding Ceremony.  SEE MORE
8. Flag of the United States.
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Historic and Current Flags of the United States and State Flags. Includes some of the flags used during the Revolutionary and Civil War.  SEE MORE
9. Flags of the World.
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A large flag database.This is a list of all the organizations, countries, territories and sub-national regions.  SEE MORE
10. Flags of the World.
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An internet site devoted to vexillology (the study of flags). Here you can read more than 67,000 pages about flags and view more than 134,000 images of flags of countries, organizations, states, territories, districts and cities, both past and present.  SEE MORE
11. Patriotic Songs.
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Patriotic music with lyrics available. Sound files can be downloaded.  SEE MORE
12. The Pledge of Allegiance.
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The Words of the pledge. Also available in the following translations: Auf Deutsch * En Espanol * En Français In Hindi * Em Português * In het Nederlands SEE MORE
13. U.S. Flag Code.
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Do you know the rules for handling and displaying the U.S. Flag? Learn how it is defined by a law known as the U.S. Flag Code.  SEE MORE
14. U.S. Flag Depot, Inc.
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Not all state flags are the same! Extra care is taken in making these flags. Designs are researched to make sure that they are authentic and sturdy fabrics are used so that they can be flown outdoors, indoors, or carried in parades. See the fifty State and five Territory Flags of the United States. SEE MORE
15. U.S. Flag Timeline.
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A history of Old Glory. SEE MORE
16. US Flag Day Activities and Crafts.
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These US Flag Day crafts projects are for preschool, kindergarten and elementary school children. Flag Day is celebrated on June 14 in the USA. The crafts use materials found around the house, like paper, cardboard, boxes, string, crayons, paint, glue, etc.  SEE MORE
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