Fire Safety
Links verified 5/15/2022
- Find the Hidden Dangers in Your Home - an interactive challenge
- Fire Prevention - Facts and tips for families to be prepared in the event that there is a fire emergency in the home.
- Fire Prevention Guide - Home Advice Guide
- Fire Safety - Songs and activities.
- Fire Safety at Home - what to do during and how to do it perfectly
- Fire Safety Checklist - a checklist of things to consider in the bathroom, kitchen, family room and the living room
- Fighting Fires - Take a virtual tour. All inclusive site with virtual interaction, audio for text parts, interactive games, cut-outs to print and more. Different types of clothing for different types of fires are also included under the extras category along with pictures of firefighters in action.
- Fire Safety with Hershey the Fire Dog - Activity books included.
- Fire Safety Game - Memory, Puzzles, Jeopardy
- Fire Safety Resources to Print - Bookmarks, Color Books. a junior firefighter badge, helmet and identification card for children to color and cut out, and more.
- Fire Safety Writing Paper - Print this and let students write their own fire safety stories.
Another choice of Fire Safety Writing Paper .
- Home Fire Safety Guide
- Home Hazards - Fun interactive resource that allows kids to get a visual understanding of hazards in the house [includes fire safety tips]
- Home Fire Safety Guides and Educational Resources - Learn about the steps you can take to keep your family safe in the event of a fire, because when it comes to home fires, preparation can mean the difference in life and death.
- How to Become a Fireman - There are so many people out in the world that dream of getting hired as a firefighter. A detailed guide of the steps that need to be taken is below, but we also wrapped up all the steps in the infographic.
- Keep Your Family Safe From Fire - a comprehensive guide to preventing house fires, also a section of fire safety fun for kids
- Kitchen Safety - a family guide
- Kids Home Fire Safety
- National Fire Protection Association - Lesson plans for Pre K-6th, safety tips and home escape plan print outs.
- P. I. Plug says "Be Smart about Fire and Electrical Safety" - lesson plan to teach students about electricity and the fundamentals of electrical safety
- A Practical Guide to Preventing Fires at Home - five steps
- Prevent Wildfires - Learn from Smokey Bear how wildfires start and how "You can help prevent forest fires!" This is a teacher resource guide for Grades K-5.
- Sparky the Fire Dog - Learn about Fire Safety with Sparky. Games, color sheets and more.
- TeachYour Child How to Use 911 -
site for teachers |
PowerPoint show |
Acrobat document |
Word document |
whiteboard resource |
sound |
video format |
interactive lesson |
a quiz |
lesson plan |
to print
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