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Links verified 1/7/2019

  1. Blog Starter - html for beginners: includes tags for html5
  2. Classroom Blogging Step 1 - setting up a blog for your class
  3. Creating a Blog - How to create a blog account using www.blogger.com.
  4. How to Write a Blog for Your Classroom - Step by step guide to writing a blog
  5. BlogBasics - Blog 101; learn about blogging
  6. Blogging for ELT - "overview of blogging websites, suggests why you might want to use them, and gives some practical advice on setting up blogs for use with your own classes."
  7. Edublogs - free education blog; click here for directions on how to set up your own blog using this platform.
  8. KidBlog.org - free blog for teachers where you can create a class online
  9. Everything You Need to Start a Blog - blogging basics
  10. Google Blogger - share work, notes and pictures
  11. Hide the Blogger NavBar - to keep your students from accessing the other blogs, use this!
  12. How To Make A Website - a really simple tutorial on how you can build your own website in just 60 minutes
  13. How To Make a Website - a step-by-step guide for beginners on how to create a website with wordpress
  14. How to Start a Blog: 7 Simple Steps - learn how to create a blog, step-by-step, with images, in 30 minutes
  15. How To Start a Blog Today - a free step-by-step beginner’s guide to create a blog in 20 minutes
  16. How to Start a WordPress Blog - the definitive guide
  17. How To Start A WordPress Blog - a step by step guide
  18. Useful Tools for Bloggers
    1. 85 Free Stock Photo Websites - a list of free stock photo websites
    2. Grammarly - a tool for checking grammar
  19. Improving Instruction Through the Use of Weblogs - Click the Sidebar tab on the right and select your subject area. See how others are using blogs in their classrooms.
  20. Legal Guide for Bloggers - understand your rights
  21. Teaching with Blogs - A teaching guide to blogging by Scholastic. 
  22. Ten habits of bloggers that win! - blog by Vicky Davis



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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