Teacher Resources
Links verified 4/2/2020
Note: Links in Green are documents to open or download.
- Alphabet Booklet Fun - Garfield the Cat introduces the alphabet; lettter booklets to identify letters, identify phoneme, write the letter and more!
- Alphabet Desktop Strips - Print these and tape on the desks to help students learn their letters.
- CenterTime Signs - Visuals that can be printed for various centers.
- Circle Time- Everybody Wins! - Cooperative and non-competitive games for kids.
- Classroom Organizational Links - Numerous links to get better organized for center management, time management and classroom organization.
- Graphic Organizers - Great resource for sheets on organizing information.
- Discovery Bottles for Center Activities - Many ideas for a center time activity. (may be blocked by some school filters)
- DonnaYoung.org - Printables and resources for home schooling and classrooms.
- Dr. Jean's Activity of the Month - Dr. Jean's web site - full of ideas and activities.
- Easy Reader Books - Download books that come with Bingo games and Flash cards for each story. Also, an altered version where students to fill in the blanks.
- Fingerplay - Fingerplays for the classroom. (may be blocked by some school filters)
- Kindergarten Worksheets - hundreds of FREE printable worksheets, including a lot in the areas of auditory processing, phonemic awareness, letter and word awareness and social and emotional skills.
- Names - How many things can you do with a name to help a child recognize and spell his/her name? Well, check this out!
- Nursery Rhymes - Listen to the rhymes, print out posters, print out sequencing cards and more! A SmartBoard resource, too!
- Parental Involvement - 100 School-Home Links activities for the kindergarten level. The activities are organized by reading and literacy skills appropriate to this grade. Under each specific skill, there are varying numbers of activities to help children develop their ability to read and write. From the U.S. Department of Education. ( for first grade parents ) ( for second grade parents ) ( for third grade parents )
- PBS Kids - Mr. Rogers, Barney, Arthur and other links to games and activities - Shockwave required.
- Peep and the Big Wide World - A variety of interactive games;. After getting to the page, click on the Interactive games tab at the top. You will have to view each one of the games to see what each game's curricular objective is.
- Personal Educational Press - Create free educational worksheets such as flashcards, game boards, and quizzes to print. Make tracing sheets, quizzes, study sheets, word lists, bingo cards, word scrambles, word searches and more!
- Phonemic Segments - Deletion and Substitution - Lanolin's Greenhouse - Click on the object that matches the new word with beginning letter replacement.
- Phonemic Segments - Deletion and Substitution - Pumpkin Patch - Click on the object that matches the new phoneme without the beginning letter sound. Excellent practice for students that have a hard time hearing individual phonemic parts!
- Preschool Printables - Name tags, bulletin boards, folder games, stickers, lesson plans and many other templates to print to help teachers.
- Signs for Center time with Concepts included - What are we Doing? - Colorful signs with explanations for each center.
- Teaching Extras - Ready-made creative signs for your centers, job charts, name tags and more!
- Teacher Tools - Alphabet Soup - Name plates, alphabet blocks, bookmarks and more. D'Neilian and Zaner-Bloser style.
(beware of numerous pop ups!)
- Teacher Tools - from I4C; books, bookmarks, coupons, printable worksheets, teacher forms, math worksheets,flashcards, lesson plan templates, and more.
- Technology and Curriculum for Kindergarten - Article about technology and Early Childhood Education.
- Tools for Educators - Worksheets, worksheet creators, printables wizard and on-line teaching materials makers with images.
- Writing Paper - Excellent resource to print out all types of paper for your students' needs.
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