TN Geometry Standards - 2008-2009 Implementation
Mathematical Processes | Number & Operations | Algebra | Geometry & Measurement | Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability | Review Help
Worksheet Generator - This web site will allow you to create printable math worksheets from your browser.
(addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, mixed problems, fractions, measurement, fractions, graphing, telling time, and a one-hundred chart)
site for teachers | PowerPoint show | Acrobat document | Word document | whiteboard resource | sound | video format | interactive lesson | a quiz | lesson plan | to print
Mathematics Curriculum Standards
3108 - Geometry Internet Resources� � � � Use technology, hands-on activities, and manipulatives to develop the language and the concepts of geometry, including specialized vocabulary (e.g. graphing calculators, interactive geometry software such as Geometer�s Sketchpad and Cabri, algebra tiles, pattern blocks, tessellation tiles, MIRAs, mirrors, spinners, geoboards, conic section models, volume demonstration kits, Polydrons, measurement tools, compasses,
PentaBlocks, pentominoes, cubes, tangrams).
- Algebra Tiles -Using tiles to represent variables and constants, learn how to represent and solve algebra problem.
- Graphing Calculator Tutorials - from Texas Instruments
- T1-83 and 84- Free online courses using these in your classroom
- Calculators On-Line�provides links to almost 7000 calculators
- Easy Calculation�offers several types of calculators
- How Old Are You?�- use this calculator to see how many years, months, days, minutes or seconds you are old.�
- Graphing Calculator Tutorials�from Texas Instruments
- Metric Conversion�- includes; length, area, volume, mass, force, pressure, work, power, temperature, and fuel mileage
- Creating Tessellations Using Microsoft Paint
- Tessellate!�- an interactive device for making a tessellation
- Tessellation Tutorials�- Tutorials and templates for making your own tessellations
- Tessellations�- Step by step with "Paintbrush" or "Paint". [Note: this document was retrieved from the Internet Archive known as theWayback Machine. The site may be blocked by school filters, so consider printing the document at home.]
- Tessellations Theme Page�- links to information about Tessellations
- What are Tessellations�- how to make them from Cool Math 4 Kids
- What Is a Tessellation?�- from Math Foru
- Inductive Reasoning - video explanation for making predictions
- Inductive Reasoning Examples - Find a logical sequence of five boxes. Your task is to decide which of the boxes completes this sequence.
- Making conjectures - video lesson
- Inductive Reasoning - Use inductive reasoning to make conjectures about sequences of numbers
and shapes; lesson plan� � � � � � � �
- Figures and Polygons - definitions and illustrations of numerous shapes.
- Geometry 3-D Shapes - An interactive Web site where students can learn about three-dimensional shapes, calculate surface area and volume, and discover some of the mathematical properties of shapes.
- Geometry Glossary - Thinkquest site that defines most of the words you'll ever need in geometry.
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Mathematics Curriculum Standards
3108 - Geometry Internet Resources�
- Buffon's Needle Problem - Animated site showing this problem.
- Buffon's Needles Lab Report -Explore a Monte Carlo method of estimating the value of pi.
- Discovering pi - This particular activity allows students to discover why pi works in solving problems dealing with finding circumference.
- Computing Pi - Interactive tool; This activity allows for the investigation and comparison
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- Learning about Properties of Vectors and Vector Sums Using Dynamic Software- Lessons that help students develop an understanding of vectors and their properties. Students manipulate a two vectors to control the movement of a plane in a gamelike setting.
- Vector Addition - explanation of concept.
- Vector Addition - Interactive site that lets students explore vector addition.
- Vector Addition - Interactive site; Drag two vectors around to see the sum of the vectors. The magnitude and direction of each vector can be manipulated. Components of all vectors are shown in equation form
� � � � National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
Number & Operations [Grades 9-12]
Mathematics Curriculum Standards
3108 - Geometry Internet Resources� �
- Circle Equations - excellent information from Math is Fun, followed by twelve multiple-choice questions to check for understanding
- Find the equation of a circle - Java applet; use an analytical method to find the equation of the circle and then use the applet to change h, k and r to solve the same question graphically. Finally compare the two results. This exercise helps you in problem solving and also to gain a deep undertanding of the properties of the circle.�
- The equation of a circle - Example of how to find the equation of a circle and practice questions.
- The equation of a circle - how to obtain and use the�standard form�of the�equation of a circle in Geometry.
� � � Circle Equations - excellent information from Math is Fun, followed by twelve multiple-choice questions to check for understanding � � National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
Algebra [Grades 9-12]
Mathematics Curriculum Standards
3108 - Geometry Internet Resources Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)
4.1 | 4.2 | 4.3 | 4.4 | 4.5 | 4.6 | 4.7 | 4.8 | 4.9 | 4.10 | 4.11 | 4.12 | 4.13 | 4.14 | 4.15 | 4.16 | 4.17 | 4.18 | 4.19 | 4.20 | 4.21 | 4.22 | 4.23 | 4.24 | 4.25 | 4.26 | 4.27 | 4.28 | 4.29 | 4.30 | 4.31 | 4.32 | 4.33 | 4.34 | 4.35 | 4.36 | 4.37 | 4.38 | 4.39 | 4.40 | 4.41 | 4.42 | 4.43 | 4.44 | 4.45 | 4.46 | 4.47 | 4.48 | 4.49�
- Inductive and Deductive Reasoning - video explanation
- Inductive Reasoning - video explanation for making predictions
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- Triangle Inequality Property � Seven questions to use as an assessment of student understanding
- Triangle Inequality theorem from OnlineMath
- The Triangle Inequality - explore a relationship between the lengths of the three sides of a triangle
- Practice with Triangle Inequality�- five multiple choice questions with explanation��[This expired page is brought to you by the Internet archive, the�Wayback Machine.]
- Triangle Inequality�- from Math for Morons Like Us, a ThinkQuest entry
- Triangle Inequalities�- explanation from the Regents Prep assessment prep site
- The Triangle Inequality Theorem�- explanation that any side of a triangle is always shorter than the sum of the other two sides - includes an interactive java applet��or�
- Triangle Inequality Theorem�- with worked solutions and a video�
- The Exterior Angle Sum of a Polygon - investigate the sum of the exterior angles of a polygon
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- Truth Tables - table explanation (beware of the numerous ads on this page)
- Truth Tables - practice page
- Truth Tables - definition and examples
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- Pythagorean Theorem Interactive - [Free activity provided by a commercial site] Learn that the Pythagorean Theorem describes the relationship between the lengths of the sides of a right triangle. Discover visual and algebraic proofs. Apply the Pythagorean Formula to find missing side lengths. Derive the distance formula for points in the coordinate plane.
Use properties of and theorems about parallel lines, perpendicular lines, and angles to prove basic theorems in Euclidean geometry (e.g., two lines parallel to a third line are parallel to each other, the perpendicular bisectors of line segments are the set of all points equidistant from the endpoints, and two lines are parallel when the alternate interior angles they make with a transversal are congruent).
3108.4.21� Perform basic geometric constructions using a straight edge and a compass, paper folding, graphing calculator programs, and computer software packages (i.e., bisect and trisect segments, congruent angles, congruent segments, a line parallel to a given line through a point not on the line, angle bisector, and perpendicular bisector).
3108.4.22� � � � �
- Areas of Triangles, Trapezoids, and Kites - discover or demonstrate the formulas for the areas of triangles, trapezoids, and kites. (three activities)
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- Pythagorean Theorem Interactive - [Free activity provided by a commercial site] Learn that the Pythagorean Theorem describes the relationship between the lengths of the sides of a right triangle. Discover visual and algebraic proofs. Apply the Pythagorean Formula to find missing side lengths. Derive the distance formula for points in the coordinate plane.
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- Circle Equations - excellent information from Math is Fun, followed by twelve multiple-choice questions to check for understanding
� � �
- Pythagorean Theorem Interactive - [Free activity provided by a commercial site] Learn that the Pythagorean Theorem describes the relationship between the lengths of the sides of a right triangle. Discover visual and algebraic proofs. Apply the Pythagorean Formula to find missing side lengths. Derive the distance formula for points in the coordinate plane.
- Pythagorean Theorem Interactive - [Free activity provided by a commercial site] Learn that the Pythagorean Theorem describes the relationship between the lengths of the sides of a right triangle. Discover visual and algebraic proofs. Apply the Pythagorean Formula to find missing side lengths. Derive the distance formula for points in the coordinate plane.
- Classifying Triangles - showing how triangles can be classified according to some of their features (followed by a four-question quiz)
- Linkage Strip Construction - A triangle has three sides, but not just any set of three lengths will make a triangle. Use this linkage-strip Interactive Activity to answer a set of problems.
- Triangle Homework - Eight problems to solve
- Three Types of Angles - explore three types of angles - right, acute, and obtuse; and begin to visually recognize the three types of angles
� � � � � � � � � � �
- Circle Equations - excellent information from Math is Fun, followed by twelve multiple-choice questions to check for understanding
� � � � � � � National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
- Geometry [Grades 9-12]
- Measurement [Grades 9-12]
Mathematics Curriculum Standards
3108 - Geometry Internet Resources
- Circles - twenty-three java applets for investigating circles
� � State Performance Indicators
5.1� National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
Data Analysis & Probability [Grades 9-12]
Practice Tests
- Geometry Chapter Test - designed to let you test your skills with a sampling of problems from each chapter in a Glencoe textbook.
- Online Study Tools - Glencoe resources
- SOL Standardized Test Practice from Glencoe Mathematics (thirteen chapters covered)
- Virginia Standards of Learning - Select Geometry and 10, 20 or 40 questions - Repeat for a new set of questions
Released Test & Others
- California Released Test
- Georgia End of Course Geometry Test (Spring 2004) 84 questions, answers not included
- Virginia Released Test Interactive items [reinforcement given after each answer ] - 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | (each test has 45 questions)
- Virginia Released Test Printable items - 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 (each test has 45 questions - answers are included)
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