Use all steps in the writing process: brainstorm and organize ideas, create a first draft, revise and proofread draft, share completed work. 0301.3.8
Links verified on 12/24/2014
- Plot Diagram - The Plot Diagram is an organizational tool focusing on a pyramid or triangular shape, which is used to map the events in a story. This mapping of plot structure allows readers and writers to visualize the key features of stories. Student Interactive from Read/Write/Think
- Powerful Writing: Description in Creating Monster Trading Cards - Students create their own monster trading cards using "powerful," vivid language to describe their creatures
- Proofreading Practice - select grade 3, any one of the 35 units and then press the Load Game button. Read the passage to find errors, click on one of the proofreading marks and then click on the error.
- Story Starters - Here�s a quick writing activity to try every day. First generate a creative story starter. Pick a format: notebook, letter, newspaper, or postcard. Four levels are available: pick 3rd
- The Time I Got Lost - [scroll down a bit to see the lesson] Students will go through the writing process but will substitute paper and pencil with the computer to create a story about �The Time I Got Lost�. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
- Imaginative Winter Stories - [scroll down a bit to see the lesson] Tech integration lesson using writing process to create story and use word processor to enhance product. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive. If the page doesn't load quickly click on Impatient? at the bottom right of the page.]
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