Recognize names, basic properties of, and similarities and differences between simple geometric figures (e.g., number of sides, corners).
1.3.1 a |
- Mr. Mumble - take a look at how to describe two-dimensional shapes
Predict and describe the results of combining and taking apart two- and three-dimensional geometric figures.
1.3.1 b |
- Geo Cleo - take a look at how to describe three-dimensional shapes
Recognize and show terms of relative position and direction in a variety of situations (e.g., over, under, forward, backward, between, right, and left).
1.3.2 a |
- Ask Hannah - describe symmetry in two-dimensional shapes
Create a figure made up of shapes from memory.
1.3.2 b |
- Pattern Detectives - identify and extend patterns in a variety of settings Audio is used to assist non-readers.
Identify the position of a whole number on the number line.
1.3.2 c |
- Estimate numbers on a number line - after students make their estimate you reveal the answer and display a new problem.
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives |
- Geometry (Grades PreK-2)