Place a thermometer under pieces of different colored paper on a sunny window; compare results and discuss possible causes 0007.10.3
- Experiment: "Can you trap the sun?" - science experiment
- The Greenhouse Effect in a Jar - lesson plan for a class experiment involving jars, thermometers and a light to shine on the jar, or a sunny area in the classroom
Investigation 2: Thermometers - lesson plan designed for a higher grade, but the activity can be adapted for your kindergarten classroom
Make your own thermometer - from experiments and engineering activities
Making an Air Thermometer - an experiment your students could perform under your direct supervision
- Plants help keep your house cool - science experiment This experiment is done in three steps. First you'll want to see if shading your "house" will keep it cooler. Then you'll want to see if painting the "house" different colors outside affects the temperature inside. Third you can combine the colored houses with or without shading.
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