Begin to utilize technology to publish and present writing. 0201.7.4
Links verified on 12/30/2014
- Bio Cube - Summarizing information is an important post reading and prewriting activity that helps students synthesize what they have learned. This tool allows students to develop an outline of a person whose biography or autobiography they have just read; it can also be used before students write their own autobiography. A student interactive from Read-Write-Think.
- Creating a Class Dictionary - Video from teacher telling about the lesson, and lesson plans.
- Elementary Language Arts - Technology lessons integrated with writing.
- Language Arts - Lesson Plans using technology
- Letter Generator - student interactive from Read-Write-Think to help students learn to identify all the essential parts of a business or friendly letter, and then generate letters by typing information into letter templates
- Letter Poem Creator: Student Interactive - Letter poems are a particularly apt medium for exploring a defining characteristic of poetry-line breaks. As students work to transform narrative-style letters (shown at left) into poetic format, they are encouraged to think carefully about where to end each line.
- Make a Branching Story Using Excel - a step by step module on writing with Excel
- The Town Witch - [sample of a branching story] a story with several possible endings depending on the decisions a reader makes [in the form of an Excel workbook]
- Make Your Own Book - There are many fabulous books that you can make all by yourself. Let your imagination run wild with some simple, step-by-step instructions, with illustrations, to show you how to make some very creative and very fun books!
- Read-Write-Think Printing Press - interactive site to help students produce flyers, newspapers, brochures, or booklets
- Shape Poem - A shape poem is a poem that describes an object and is written in the shape of the object. In this online tool, elementary students can select shapes from four different themes: Nature, School, Sports, and Celebrations. Within these themes, 19 different shapes are included.
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