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5th Grade - Media Standards

5th Grade English Language Arts - Media Standards

Links in the Pages Below Were Verified in September of 2014

To work on fifth grade media standards, click on the numbers below to visit pages of internet resources for each of the learning standards.

Checks for Understanding are at the top of this page. Scroll down to find internet resources related to the State Performance Indicators (SPIs).

Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0501.7.1 Use Media - Use media (e.g., photographs, PowerPoint, dioramas, videos, the arts, online catalogs, nonfiction books, encyclopedias, Internet) to view, read, and represent information.
0501.7.2 Using Print - Use print and non-print materials along with prior knowledge to provide background for writing and/or presenting.
0501.7.3 Research - Use media to conduct research and prepare reports.
0501.7.4 Libraries - Use libraries/media centers to access media sources.
0501.7.5 Oral Report - Use media to enhance reports and oral presentations.
0501.7.6 Effect of Media - Examine the effects of media (e.g., television, print materials, Internet, magazines, cell phones) on daily life

State Performance Indicators

SPI 0501.7.1 Select Media - Select the most appropriate medium or media for accessing information,writing a report, or enhancing an oral presentation
SPI 0501.7.2 Main Idea - Determine the main idea in a visual image.
SPI 0501.7.3 Mood - Identify the mood created by a visual image.
SPI 0501.7.4 Daily Life - Identify the various functions of media in daily life (i.e., communication, entertainment, information, persuasion).
Review Help Resources to help review Fifth Grade English Language Arts standards



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