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1st Grade - Life Science Topics

1st Grade Science Standards - Life Science

Links verified 1/2/2015

Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)

0107.1.1 Body Parts - Combine pictures of major body parts to assemble a complete animal
0107.1.2 Examine Body Parts - Communicate the effect of using tools like magnifiers when examining different body parts
0107.1.3 Make Diagrams - Make diagrams to record and communicate observations
0107.2.1 Basic Characteristics - Identify the basic characteristics of living things
0107.2.2 Living or Non-Living - Record information about living or non-living objects in local environments
0107.2.3 Sort and Classify - Sort and classify a variety of living and non-living materials based on their characteristics
0107.3.1 Conduct Investigations - Conduct investigations and record data about the growth of different plants under varying conditions
0107.3.2 Needs of Organisms - Describe what plants and animals need in order to grow and remain healthy
0107.4.1 Life Cycle - Observe, describe, and record the life cycle of a particular animal
0107.4.2 Parents and Offspring - Match pictures of parents and related offspring by identifying common characteristics
0107.5.1 Observe Organisms - Observe plants and animals on the school grounds and group them according to where they are found
0107.5.2 Habitats - Create a chart of different habitats and match animals to specific locations
0107.5.3 Extinction - Sort pictures or illustrations of animals into groups that are extinct and those that still exist and offer possible explanations for extinction



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