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History Topics - 2nd Grade Social Studies

2nd Grade Social Studies Standards - History

Links verified 1/1/2015


2.5.1a Holidays - Explain the significance of various community, state, and national celebrations such as Memorial Day and Independence Day.
2.5.1b Local People - Explain how local people and events have influenced local community history.
2.5.2a Order of Events - Describe the order of events by using designation of time periods such as ancient times and modern times.
2.5.2b Chronology - Use vocabulary related to chronology, including past, present and future.
2.5.2c Calendar - Describe and measure calendar time by days, weeks, months, and years.
2.5.2d Change - Comprehend those physical and human characteristics of communities change over time.
2.5.3a Landmarks - Identify and explain the significance of various community landmarks.
2.5.3b Timeline - Create and interpret timelines.
2.5.3c Interpret Events - Compare various interpretations of the same time period using evidence such as photographs and interviews.



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