First Grade Geometry and Measurement
Links verified 1/2/2015
To work on first grade mathematics standards, click on the numbers below to visit pages with internet resources for each of the learning standards listed.
Alike or Different - Recognize and describe similarities and differences between 2-dimensional figures (geometric attributes and properties). 2D and 3D - Recognize 2- and 3-dimensional figures from different perspectives and orientations. Combine Shapes - Model part-whole relationships and properties of plane and solid figures by combining two or more shapes to make a larger shape or by breaking apart an object into its smaller shapes. Face of 3D Shape - Identify 2-dimensional shapes as faces of 3-dimensional figures. Estimate Length - Estimate and measure length using non-standard units (counting by using groups of tens and ones) to represent addition. 0106.4.6 Non Standard Units - Recognize the essential role of units in measurement, and understand the difference between standard and non-standard units.
Comparative Words - Understand and use comparative words such as long, longer, longest; short, shorter, shortest; tall, taller, tallest; high, higher, highest.