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Geography Topics - 2nd Grade Social Studies

2nd Grade Social Studies Standards - Geography

Links verified 12/31/2014


2.3.1a Globes - Describe how the globe is a model of earth locating hemispheres, poles, and equator.
2.3.1b Maps - Recognize that natural regions are represented on different types of maps by showing physical features, climate, vegetation, and natural resources.
2.3.1c Map and Globe - Subdivide the world by positioning the equator, continents, oceans, and hemispheres on a map and globe.
2.3.1d Map Elements - Recognize that a map contains elements such as title, scale, symbols, legends, grids, and cardinal and intermediate directions.
2.3.2a Resources - Analyze how individuals and populations depend upon land resources.
2.3.2b Geographic Features - Describe the importance of physical geographic features on defining communities.
2.3.2c Earth-Sun Relationship - Understand the Earth-sun relationship such as the varying length of day
2.3.2d Water Cycle - Understand the rudimentary elements to the hydrologic cycle.
2.3.2e Natural Resources - List earth's natural resources such as minerals, air, water, and land.
2.3.3a Land and Water - Show how landmasses and bodies of water are represented on maps and globes.
2.3.3b Tennessee Cities - Locate the state of Tennessee and its major cities on a map.
2.3.3c Characteristics - Name the physical and human characteristics of the neighborhood and the community.



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