5th Grade Science Standards - Embedded Technology & Engineering
We are still searching for links to use with the standards listed below. If you have been using resources to teach toward of the standards below, please let us know.
Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)
Links in the list below were verified on 5/31/2024
0507.T/E.1 Impact - Explain how different inventions and technologies impact people and other living organisms
25 Inventions That Changed Our Way of Life - As you read through these 25 inventions that changed our way of life, think about how different things would be without them.
Classroom Activities in Technology and Engineering - forty five classroom activities from NOVA Teachers
Facebook Effect - how the social network changed the world
The Impact of Inventions - lesson plan from the National Gallery of Art
Inventions: The Impact - To help students see what inventors have to think about when making an invention, particularly the kinds of effects they can have on people.
Technology's Impact on People's Lives Mixed - article and a short video from Voice of America
Technology can have Positive or Negative Impact on Social Interaction - advanced article from Human Kinetics
0507.T/E.2 Address a Problem - Design a tool or a process that addresses an identified problem caused by human activity
Inventions: The Impact - To help students see what inventors have to think about when making an invention, particularly the kinds of effects they can have on people.
Unanticipated Consequences of Technology - All of our technological roads twist and turn, and we can never see around the bend or through the fog.
The Unintended Consequences of New Tech - we're entering an entirely new era in which some of our most advanced technologies will have immediate repercussions
0507.T/E.3 Evaluate Solution - Determine criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of a solution to a specified problem 0507.T/E.4 Evaluate Invention - Evaluate an invention that solves a problem and determine ways to improve the design
Inventions: The Impact - To help students see what inventors have to think about when making an invention, particularly the kinds of effects they can have on people.
Product Design & Engineering - a hard look at what we need to do to thrive in this new world.
State Performance Indicators
SPI 0507.T/E.1 Using Tools - Select a tool, technology, or invention that was used to solve a human problem
Building Big - Activities which include handouts and lesson ideas
SPI 0507.T/E.2 Scientific Advances - Recognize the connection between a scientific advance and the development of a new tool or technology
Classroom Activities in Technology and Engineering - forty five classroom activities from NOVA Teachers