Design an experiment to investigate differences in the amount of the sun's energy absorbed by a variety of surface materials 0607.8.2
Links verified 5/29/2024
- Absorbed Solar Radiation - use this list of solar radiation absorbed by various materials as you design your experimenr\t
- Absorbing Light: Dark vs Bright - instructions on how to set up an experiment
- Absorption/Reflection of Sunlight - Changes in the proportion of incoming solar radiation that is reflected instead of absorbed depends on the composition of Earth’s surface and atmosphere
- Earth's Energy Budget - The flow of incoming and outgoing energy is Earth’s energy budget
- The Effect of Soil Type on the Absorption of Heat and Water Evaporation - detailed report of a science fair project
- Radiation and the Transfer of Energy - lesson plan describing how to set up the experiment
- Solar Energy, Albedo, and the Polar Regions - look for the section named Reflect or Absorb? about halfway down the page
- Solar S'Mores - lesson plan on investigating the differences in the amount of the sun's energy absorbed by a variety of edible surface materials - delicious
- The Sun's Energy - an essential part of the earth system
- Which material absorbs heat most efficiently, sand, soil, or rocks? - answer from an expert
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