Capitalize correctly sentence beginnings, proper nouns and adjectives, titles, abbreviations, quotations, and parts of friendly and business letters. 0401.1.3
Links verified on 9/22/2014
- Capitalization - [designed for grade 2] practice editing skills
- Capitalization - 11 question - retype the sentences you see correctly using capitalization rules
- Capitalization in a Letter - [designed for grade 3] Print the letter and find the errors, good for whole class activity on whiteboard.
- Capitalizing Proper Nouns - [designed for grade 3] find the errors in this story [good for whole class activity]
- Capitalizing Proper Nouns: Quiz - [designed for grade 2] Which name is written correctly? 10 questions.
- Capitalize abbreviations - worksheet to print
- Dear Mr. Henshaw - parts of a friendly letter (a Quia quiz)
- PowerProofreading - select 4th grade and edit sentences with grammatical mistakes
- Which word should be capitalized? - Quiz that is self checking
- Word Detective - [designed for grade 2] Read and correct errors in sentences on paper. self checking
- Write your own business letter - a review of parts of letters, then create your own letter
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