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5th Grade Algebra

5th Grade Math Standards - Algebra

Links in the Pages Below Were Verified in September of 2014

Checks for Understanding (Formative/Summative Assessment)


Evaluate Expression - Evaluate an expression by substituting non-negative rational number values for letter variables in the expression.


Represent Unknowns - Use variables appropriately to represent numbers whose values are not yet known.


Linear Equations - Solve single-step linear equations using inverse operations.


Linear Inequalities - Solve single-step linear inequalities and graph solutions on a number line.
0506.3.5 Solving - Determine if a given value is a solution to a linear equation/inequality.
0506.3.6 Number Line - Recognize there are many numbers between any two whole numbers on the number line.

State Performance Indicators

SPI 0506.3.1

Order of Operations - Evaluate algebraic expressions involving decimals and fractions using order of operations.

SPI 0506.3.2

Fractional Expressions - Evaluate multi-step numerical expressions involving fractions using order of operations.

SPI 0506.3.3

Finding Unknown - Find the unknown in single-step equations involving fractions and mixed numbers.
SPI 0506.3.4 Inequalities - Given a set of values, identify those that make an inequality a true statement.

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives -- Algebra [Grades 3-5] This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data



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