Foreign Languages - Spanish
Literature in Spanish
Links verified 9/25/2018
- Colors - Make flash cards - file to print [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.]
- ConjuGato - master the hardest part of the Spanish language; verb conjugations
- Cooljugator - the smart verb conjugator in Spanish [many other languages are available]
- Count to Twenty - click on the dots one at a time to hear the numbers pronounced [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive..]
- Count Backwards from Twenty - click on the dots one at a time to hear the numbers pronounced [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.]
- Days of the Week - Flashcards to print - PDF file.
- Dia de los Muertos - articles, original art, and interactive projects.
- Dicion? - Links for dictionaries, glossaries, encyclopedias, atlases, and other references in Portuguese in the InterNet.
- El Cuentacuentos - Read stories in Spanish. [This expired link is available through the Wayback Machine Internet Archive.]
- E-Spanyol - online language resource; interactive word practice tool for several vocabulary topics; online vocabulary and grammar tests and more.
- Centro Virtual Cervantes - This site is entirely in Spanish
- Larry Ferlazzo - Resources designed to assist adults and children who are learning English as their second language
- Learn Spanish - Authentic pronunciation tutorials along with grammar drills, verb drills and idioms.
- Learn Spanish - Vocabulary Practice; Help with vocabulary practice. No sound
- LearnSpanishFeelGood - Grammar and vocabulary practice quizzes for beginners and intermediate level students
- Little Explorers Picture Dictionary - English-Spanish version
- My Spanish Picture Dictionary - Online resource to learn Spanish (or English) - an English-Spanish translation and a photograph of item.
- Music - Spanish songs - some animated
- Music - Songs in Spanish
- Music - Lyrics to songs in Spanish - no audio, just the words to the songs.
- Mundo Latino - Tu comunidad en Internet - stories, news, idioms, and more
- Paso a Paso - Extend your Prentice Hall textbook with sites for online activities, games, and puzzles, and take self-tests.
- Spanish - 200 Tests - English to Spanish - online interactive.
- Spanish - Conjugation Trainer - Perfect, Imperfect, Future Tense, Conditional and more!
- Spanish Games for Beginners - Four basic games; counting, facial parts, Spanish alphabet, counting backwards.
- Spanish Language Guide - free tests, vocabulary, resources, pronounciation keys and more.
- Spanish Lessons - don Quijote - Spanish Language School
- Spanish to English Translation Activities - Basic nouns and verbs vocabulary interactive activities. ( Caution : banners and pop-up ads )
- Super Links To TESL/TEFL/TESOL/ESL/EFL/ESOL Web site - Many sites with interactive activities,resources and testing.
- Super Spanish Web sites - Many sites to select from
- Your Language Exchange Online Community - Find a partner at the online community and practice your second language (any language) with a native speaker who is learning your language.
- Visual Link Spanish - Twenty-two (veintidos) short, free lessons and one longer 15-minute segment. Each corresponds to a section on their CD that they want to sell to you. However, you can learn over 500 words of the program free online!
- Vocabulary Training Exercises - in German, French, or Spanish
- Web Spanish Lessons - Spanish lessons to teach basic knowledge, grammar, and vocabulary for Mexican Spanish
Children's Literature in Spanish or Portuguese
- Olha o Olho da menina Marisa Prado
- Story Place - index of Spanish language stories for children
site for teachers |
PowerPoint show |
Acrobat document |
Word document |
whiteboard resource |
sound |
video format |
interactive lesson |
a quiz |
lesson plan |
to print
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