Classroom Resources
Links verified 5/2/2021
- Accommodating Students With Dyslexia - Reasonable accommodations to help students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities in all classroom settings.
- Accommodations/Modifications - Alterations to make in the classroom to assist in teaching students with dyslexia.
- The Benefits of Computer Technology - "The uses of Computer Technology in the Remediation of Children with specific learning difficulties(Dyslexia)" by Bernadette Dwyer.
- Classroom Guidelines for teachers to follow in teaching students with dyslexia.
- Dyslexia and Reading Disorders - Assisting students with dyslexia and reading disorders in the classroom. Includes signs, effects, and teaching strategies.
- Dyslexia and Spelling - Spelling factsheet for dyslexia.
- Dyslexia and Writing - Common difficulties children experience and different methods found to be helpful.
- Dyslexia Friendly Classroom - tips for teachers to help students with dyslexia
- Dyslexia in the Classroom - (a PDF handbook) what every teacher needs to know
- Free Worksheets - Click on "Free" and then select worksheets for over 1,000 printable worksheets.
- Free Worksheets and Printables for Kids
- Free Worksheets from Nessy
- Games - Games used as a method to keep students more engaged in learning.
- Helping Students Succeed - Making a positive difference for the student in the classroom.
- Interactive Phonics Games - Hearing the pronunciation of letters and words helps students with dyslexia read. They can learn their ABC's, learn to read, and work up to It's fun to read and I'm reading.
- Interactive Story Books - with Clifford the Big Red Dog
- Phonics Help - Free printable phonics worksheets. Phonics-based instruction has been proven helpful for persons with dyslexia.
- Rhyme Desk - find rhyming words
- Strategies for Summer Reading for Children with Dyslexia - all about learning disabilites and ADHD
- Teaching that Works - How to teach students with dyslexia.
- Worksheets - Printable worksheets of the alphabet. "Formal printing lessons are often missing in classrooms today and many dyslexic children can benefit from printing lessons."
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