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ADHD Reading/Writing Assistance

ADHD - Reading and Writing Help

Links verified 6/1/2022

  1. 18 Writing Tricks for Students with ADHD - Ways that teachers and parents can help children with ADHD overcome their fear of writing essays and papers for school.
  2. Handwriting For Kids - Writing sheets to help practice the simplest to the most complex characters.
  3. High-Tech Help for Reading and Writing - Assistive technology tools to use with students who have ADHD and/or learning disabilities.
  4. One-Word Writing Worksheet Wizard - Makes English handwriting practice worksheets. Type in a word and then set a number of display options. For a practice worksheet listing many different words, use Multi-Word Writing Worksheet Wizard.
  5. Tricks to Help with Writing, Reading, and Math - Strategies to use with children that have ADHD to help gain language and arithmetric skills.
  6. Writing Supports for Kids with ADHD - Ways to provide effective support and help with writing assignments.

Text to Speech Tools

  1. Balabolka - Free text to speech download.
  2. Free Text to Speech Tools - Thirteen free web tools that will allow a webpage to be read to you.
  3. Natural Reader - Text to speech free software.
  4. Power Talk - PowerTalk is a free program that automatically speaks any presentation or slide show running in Microsoft PowerPoint.
  5. Text2Speech - This service is free and you are allowed to use the speech files for any purpose.



Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort by Susan Brooks and Bill Byles.




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