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ADHD Parent Resources

ADHD - Parent Resources

Links verified 6/1/2022

    1. ADD/ADHD Parenting Tips - Tips for helping children with ADD/ADHD.
    2. ADHD and School - Information on how to find out if your child has ADHD and how to work with the school.
    3. How to Talk to Children with Special Needs - Given the variety and the differences in the degree of the disabilities in every child, talking and communicating with these children is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor
    4. Managing ADHD at Home - Thirty tips on managing ADD at home.
    5. Parenting Children with ADHD - How parenting children with ADHD is different.
    6. Parents with ADHD Raising Kids with ADHD - Tips for being an effective parent when you may be struggling with ADHD too.
    7. Resources for Parents of Children with Disabilities
    8. Smart Discipline Strategies - Expert tips for solving ADHD behavior problems in children with ADHD and/or learning disabilities.
    9. What can I do to help my child? - Many parental ideas on helping children with ADHD.

Behavior Management


  1. Behavioral Management Techniques - Strategies to use for preschoolers, children, and teens.
  2. Discipline without Regret - Strategies on setting boundaries and disciplining ADHD behavior without yelling, screaming, or losing your cool.
  3. Managing Problem Behavior at Home - ABC's of behavior management.



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