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CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.6 With Some Guidance...

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.6 - With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of two pages in a single sitting.

Authors: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers

Title: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.6 With Some Guidance And Support From Adults, Use... Writing - 5th Grade English Language Arts Common Core State Standards

Publisher: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington D.C.

Copyright Date: 2010

(Page last edited 10/08/2017)

  1. Amazing Americans - Students research information and create own criteria for an amazing American, using digital images and media.
  2. Branching Stories - A step by step module on writing with Excel. Students create a story with several possible endings depending on the decisions a reader makes [in the form of an Excel workbook]
  3. Comic Strips - Create your own comics and your own characters also at Professor Garfield's Comic Lab!
  4. Comic Strips - Make up your own comics, using characters, emotions, and more
  5. Dialogue With a Purpose - How to create and handle dialogue
  6. Dialogue Workshop - Writing suggestions from Holly Lisle
  7. Modes of Writing - Definitions of various modes of writing
  8. Narrative and Dialogue - A Contrast In Writing Styles
  9. Online Notetaker - Use this tool to compile and organize reading notes, research, and related ideas.
  10. Publish your story in Cricket - Information for submitting your own stories for publication.
  11. Quiz - Match a prompt to narrative, expository, persuasive, or descriptive writing
  12. Quiz - Identify types of paragraphs - expository, narrative, persuasive, and descriptive
  13. Research Papers Introduction - Unit plan on how to conduct research on the Internet
  14. Screen Writers Toolkit: Writing Dialogue - A blog assembled and contributed to by writers who are interested in developing the craft of screen writing [make sure you see the Tarrantino Exercise using the Yellow pages] [from the Internet Archive]
  15. Teaching Tone vs. Mood using Computer-Based Multimedia - Lesson plan that can be adapted using Photostory 3.0 [this high school lesson plan could be adapted to teach this standard]
  16. The Five Paragraph Essay Wizard - Persuasive Essay and prompts [from the Internet Archive]
  17. The Power of Persuasive Writing - A three week communication skills and interdisciplinary middle school Internet project. (a WebQuest)
  18. The Write Source - Interested in receiving student writings for possible publication in one of our handbooks or on our Web site!
  19. The Writing conference - Publishes original poetry and prose from students enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade
  20. Think Tank - Create an outline of topics and subtopics to assist research
  21. Twelve Exercises for Improving Dialogue - From the Writer's Resource Center
  22. Which Writing? - Students choose an appropriate format for writing.
  23. Write Me a Story - Try your writing skills, share your imagination, read fun stories and maybe even get published on the Internet!
  24. Write Now - From Zuzu - contribution of young artists, photographers and writers just like YOU
  25. Writing a How-To Explanation - Student model
  26. Writing a Personal Narrative - Student model
  27. Writing a Persuasive Essay - Student model
  28. Writing Dialogue - This is a dialogue sheet which can be used to teach students to include the basic characteristics of good dialogue in their own writing. The form may be modified to include whatever characteristics the instructor desires.



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