I CAN Statements - Common Core
Links verified on 8/1/2015
Middle / High School
- Washington County Schools -Mathematics I Can Statements for grades 5-8.
- Darke County Schools - Language Arts I Can Statements for grades 5-12
- Nassau BOCES - Learning Targets for grades 6-12; I Can Statements
- Christina Hank - Secondary Curriculum Director - Language Arts I Can Statements for grades 9-10. Posters are available here also.
- Turn on your Brain - ELA I Can Statements for grades 9-10; also posters for the classroom with the I Can statements.
- Portland Public Schools - ELA and Math I Can Statements for grades 6-8.
- Cliffside Park School District - ELA I Can Statements for grades K-5.
- Teacher Help for Parents - Math and ELA I Can Statements for grades K-5
- Washington County Schools -Mathematics I Can Statements for grades K-6.
- Darke County Schools- Language Arts I Can Statements for grades K-6.
- Kid Friendly Standards - Kid-Friendly Standards provides an opportunity to view California's grade level content standards in Language Arts and Math in terms they can more readily understand.
- Nassau BOCES - Learning Targets for grades K-6; I Can Statements.
- Math Mania - We Can Statement to dowload for Math and ELA for grade K-4.
How to unpack a Standard - Deconstruction is a process by which long, convoluted, complicated standards are broken down into their essential component parts. Some standards are already in their simplest form and may just need a little tweaking to be student-friendly. This article encourages educators to to pull up your sleeves and dig into the nitty-gritty of semantics and underlying philosophies.
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