CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.6.1 - Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.6.1.a - Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.6.1.b - Follow rules for collegial discussions, set specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.6.1.c - Pose and respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail by making comments that contribute to the topic, text, or issue under discussion.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.6.1.d - Review the key ideas expressed and demonstrate understanding of multiple perspectives through reflection and paraphrasing.
Authors: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School OfficersTitle: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.6.1 Engage Effectively In A Range Of Collaborative Discussions (one-on-one,... Speaking and Listening - 6th Grade English Language Arts Common Core State Standards
Publisher: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington D.C.
Copyright Date: 2010
(Page last edited 10/08/2017)
- A Detailed Speech Outline - If you base your speech on this outline you should be able to make a successful speech, or if you use the outline to look at a speech someone else gave, you can critique more effectively
- Action Is Character: Exploring Character Traits with Adjectives - In this lesson, students analyze the character while also enriching their vocabulary by "becoming" a character in a novel they have read and making lists from that character's perspective.
- Analyzing Advice as an Introduction to Shakespeare - Students read and analyze the advice given in Mary Schmich's 1997 Chicago Tribune column "Advice, Like Youth, Probably Just Wasted on the Young," which inspired the popular recording "Everybodys Free (to Wear Sunscreen)" by Baz Luhrmann. Exploring the column and its recording, students focus on both content and style through the use of central questions.
- Asking Questions - The types of questions depend on the answer to that first important question: Why am I reading this? Once you establish a purpose for yourself, you can then ask which questions will help you achieve that goal. This page asks students to rank a set of questions on a scale of one to five.
- Biography Project: Research and Class Presentation - As students give the class presentations, have other students use the Oral Presentation Peer Feedback Form to write their feedback.
- Book Reviews, Annotation, and Web Technology - Students work in groups to read and discuss a book, keeping track of their feelings and opinions about the book, as well as facts and quotations, as they read. After reading, each group goes through their notes on the book, marking items they want to include in a book review. They look at sample book reviews and discuss the common elements of book reviews. Next, each group works together to write a review of their book and use Web-authoring tools to publish the review onto a Web page. Students then decide which parts of their review they wish to annotate, with each student in the group responsible for one topic. Students research their topics, taking notes. Each student writes about his or her topic, including bibliographic information. The writings are then peer-reviewed by the group, published to the Web, and hyperlinked back to the group's book review.
- Campaigning for Fair Use: Public Service Announcements on Copyright Awareness - Who owns what you compose? Who controls what happens with the words, images, music, sounds, videos that you create? What rights do you have to use other peoples compositions? This unit plan focuses on helping students find answers to these questions. Students explore a range of resources on fair use and copyright then design their own audio public service announcements (PSAs), to be broadcast over the schools public address system.
- Characteristics of Effective Groups - What they do and what they don't do
- Characteristics Of Effective Teams - Good information in a scholarly article
- Comparing and Contrasting: Picturing an Organizational Pattern - This lesson is designed to be used during a unit when students are writing a comparison/contrast paper. It will be most helpful prior to drafting, but it could also be useful during revision
- Cooperative Group Role Cards - Defines responsibilities and gives examples of roles of each member
- Cooperative Learning - Strategies and activities to use in class
- Doodle Splash: Using Graphics to Discuss Literature - As students read a short story, they "doodle," either in a journal or using an online tool, responding to the text through images, symbols, shapes, and colors. They must be sure to represent all of the elements of the short story (setting, plot, character, point of view, theme) in their doodles.
- Dynamic Duo Text Talks: Examining the Content of Internet Sites - While this lesson makes use of websites about Anne Frank and the Holocaust, teachers can easily adapt the activities to a variety of topics. Guided by the questions on the Observation and Inquiry Sheet provided, students work together to explore several online texts on the chosen topic.
- Effective Teamwork Skills - Suggestions for classroom or workplace
- Everyone Loves a Mystery: A Genre Study - Students examine story elements and vocabulary associated with mystery stories through Directed LearningThinking Activities and then track these features as they read mystery books from the school or classroom library.
- Examples of Good Critiques - Article with questions to ask yourself while doing a critique.
- Exploring and Sharing Family Stories - In this lesson, students are encouraged to explore the idea of memory in both large- and small-group settings. Students access their own life experiences and then discuss family stories they have heard. After choosing a family member to interview, students create questions, interview their relative, and write a personal narrative that describes not only the answers to their questions but their own reactions to these responses. These narratives are peer reviewed and can be published as a class magazine or a website.
- Exploring Author's Voice Using Jane Addams Award-Winning Books - This lesson uses Jane Addams Award-winning books to explore author's voice and style.
- Fairy Tale Autobiographies - Students work together in small groups to read, discuss, and analyze fairy tales. After compiling a list of common elements, students collaborate on their own original fairy talesbased on events from their own lives or the lives of someone they know.
- Flip-a-Chip - Examining Affixes and Roots to Build Vocabulary - lesson plan
- Found Poems/Parallel Poems - In this lesson, students compose found and parallel poems based on descriptive literary passages they have read.
- Group Roles - Definitions of various roles of a group.
- He Said/She Said: Analyzing Gender Roles through Dialogue - This lesson has students brainstorm some gender stereotypes, find examples in popular culture, and discuss how the stereotypes affect their lives.
- I Won't Grow Up - This first six-week unit of sixth grade starts off the year with reflections on childhoodfrom literature to poetry to student experiences
- Imagine That! Playing with Genre through Newspapers and Short Stories - This lesson uses narrative structures to introduce students to one form of expository writingnews briefs and articles. By condensing a short story into a newspaper article and expanding an article into a short story, students will explore the ways that exposition differs from narration.
- Informative Speech Critique Form - Template for evaluating a speech
- Making Personal and Cultural Connections Using A Girl Named Disaster - This lesson is intended to help students experience both efferent (reading for information) and aesthetic (reading as a personal, emotional experience) responses to the story A Girl Named Disaster by Nancy Farmer.
- Media Awareness: The Basics of Advertising - In the first of these three lessons, students will develop a general understanding of marketing and its influence. Using an advertisement for a kid-oriented product, students will discuss what appeals to them about each item, brainstorm different categories of kid-oriented products, and explore the concept of target audiences
- Myth and Truth: The "First Thanksgiving" - By exploring myths surrounding the Wampanoag, the pilgrims, and the "first Thanksgiving," this lesson asks students to think critically about commonly believed myths regarding the Wampanoag Indians in colonial America.
- Objectives of Teamwork - Answer from E How
- Persuasive Speech Critique Sheet - Template of things to think about when doing a critique [from the Internet Archive]
- Press Conference for Bud, Not Buddy - This lesson can be used after the reading of Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis. The lesson encourages students to use higher level thinking skills and asks them to examine different character perspectives. Students demonstrate comprehension of the story by actively involving themselves in group and whole-class discussions.
- Promoting Diversity in the Classroom and School Library through Social Action - Through an exploration of stereotypes in children's picture books such as books from Disney's Princess Collection, students identify the limited view established in these fictional worlds. Next, students compare these stereotyped representations to more diverse portrayals in matching texts
- Proverbs: Contemporary Proverbs - This lesson challenges students to craft more apparent meanings for traditional maxims. They first search for proverbs from around the world and select several they like. They then update the proverbs to be more contemporary. Finally, they write new proverbs of their own.
- Questioning Toolkit - Seventeen types of questions from the educational journal, FNO
- Roles in cooperative learning - Very good explanation of roles of students and teacher [from the Internet Archive]
- Sample Speaker Critique - Scroll past the ad and read how this person does a critique
- Scaling Back to Essentials: Scaffolding Summarization With Fishbone Mapping - Complete fishbone maps that highlight the main ideas and relevant details from a cause-effect text; lesson plan
- Seeing Integration From Different Viewpoints - In this Directed Reading-Thinking Activity, students make predictions about the story before reading, focus on key ideas as they read aloud in groups, and enhance their comprehension of the story with a postreading class discussion.
- Seven Essential Skills for Teamwork - Use to observe how well a team is working together
- Seven Essential Teamwork Skills - Adaptation of a seven skills checklist
- Small Groups and Self-directed Work Teams - Characteristics of teams
- Speech Analysis #1: How to Study and Critique a Speech - Series of articles examining different aspects of presentation analysis
- Speech Critiques Examples - Great site with video of people speaking to critique, plus their critique on the speech.
- Speech Self Critique Guide - Guidelines to be used in practice sessions to evaluate the speaker and speech and note possible areas of improvement.
- Story Character Homepage - Combine higher order thinking with creativity in this lesson that uses diamante poems to illustrate the phenomenon of cause and effect. Students define and identify instances of cause and effect to help them generate their own examples.
- Teamwork - Lesson plan - how to work in teams
- Teamwork Activities for the Classrooms - Suggestions from E How
- Teamwork in the Classroom - The difference between groups and teams
- Teamwork Skills - Being an effective group member
- The Big Bad Wolf: Analyzing Point of View in Texts - Lesson plan helps students look at the author's purpose and viewpoint, and also recognize gaps in the text - Extension activities include debating a fairy tale using different character viewpoints.
- The History Behind Song Lyrics - In this lesson, students research and categorize items from the song as well as illustrate their historical relevance. Students use an online chart to display their research.
- The Importance of Teamwork - Suggestions from E How
- The Reading Performance: Understanding Fluency Through Oral Interpretation - This lesson examines how oral reading of poetry may be useful in supporting fluency for sixth- through eighth-grade students. Central to this lesson is the idea that students require practice and repetition to master decoding skills for fluency and comprehension in oral reading.
- Tips for Building Essential Teamwork skills - How to be a part of a high performing team
- Traits Needed for Effective Group Process - Lesson plan - Cooperative learning requires more than just cognitive skills. It also requires specific character traits
- Using QARs to Develop Comprehension and Reflective Reading Habits - Middle school is a time when students move from reading for literal comprehension to developing inferential comprehension strategies. This lesson provides a foundation for building reflective reading habits, which enables students to develop these higher-level comprehension strategies.
- Using the Four-Square Strategy to Define and Identify Poetic Terms - In this lesson, students will learn the definitions of alliteration, assonance, simile, and rhyme. Using these definitions and a graphic organizer, they will search through a variety of poems for examples of each poetic element.
- Using Word Webs to Teach Synonyms for Commonly Used Words - Encourage students to use more descriptive words in written and oral language. lesson plan
- Why Is Teamwork Important in the Classroom? - Answer from E How
- You can customize the lesson, if desired, to promote reading any time of the year. - In this lesson, students first explore resumes using the internet. They then work as a class to construct a sample resume for a character in a book they have all read. Next, they explore want ads and online job sites for possible jobs for a character from a book they have read on their own. They write a letter of application and create a resume for their character for the selected job.
- You Can't Spell the Word Prefix Without a Prefix - In this lesson, students learn in a cooperative setting to identify, define, and construct words with prefixes.
- You Know the Movie is Coming-Now What? - In this lesson, students take on the role of the director of a movie. After exploring cinematic terms, students read a literary work with director's eyes, considering such issues as which scenes require a close-up of the main character and when the camera should zoom out to see the entire set.