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CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.9 Draw Evidence...

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.9 - Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis reflection, and research.

Authors: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers

Title: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.9 Draw Evidence From Informational Texts To Support... Writing in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects - 6th-8th Grade English Language Arts Common Core State Standards

Publisher: National Governors Association Center for Best Practices, Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington D.C.

Copyright Date: 2010

(Page last edited 10/08/2017)

  1. Alternative Energy Sources - This lesson plan consists of an introduction of various alternative energy sources in use in Idaho, an activity for students regarding these, then a more in-depth discussion of hydropower, with a demonstration and hands-on experiment for hydro.
  2. Classical Civilizations - A unit plan on Classical Civilizations consisting of 12 lessons with resources.
  3. Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice - Using the book Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice, students will understand the impact average individuals can have on important public policy issues in the United States.
  4. Critical Evaluation of Resources - In the research process you will encounter many types of resources including books, articles and web sites. But not everything you find on your topic will be suitable. How do you make sense of what is out there and evaluate its authority and appropriateness for your research?
  5. Critically Analyzing Information Sources - The emphasis here is on print sources
  6. Evaluating Information Found on the Internet - Items to Consider
  7. Evaluating Information Found on the Internet - A thoughtful guide to evaluating web and other Internet resources
  8. Evaluating Information Found on the World Wide Web - Explanation and activities
  9. Evaluating Internet Research Sources - Scroll near the bottom of the page to find a Checklist for Research Source Evaluation
  10. Evaluating Web Pages - Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask
  11. Evaluation of Information Sources - This page contains pointers to criteria for evaluating information resources, particularly those on the Internet.
  12. Evaluation of Information Sources from the Web - Critically evaluate a Web page for authenticity, applicability, authorship, bias, and usability
  13. Practical Steps in Evaluating Internet Resources - This document will give you a variety of ways to look for each kind of information.
  14. Quality Information Check List - A resource to help young people evaluate the information they find on the Internet.
  15. Read to Learn, Then Write What You Learn - Learn More! - This document present three Common Core reading standards for nonfiction text that students would develop as they read to learn.
  16. Straw Rockets - Applying Newton's three laws of motion, students design an investigation involving straw rockets. The five tasks have students develop their writing skills by having them practice formulating a question, paraphrasing text, developing a hypothesis, constructing a procedure, and analyzing data to draw a conclusion. The final performance task requires them to aggregate these portions of a lab report as well as make real-world connections from what they learned.
  17. Surviving and Thriving - Lesson 1: The March In - In this lesson, students will examine secondary source documents and utilize map skills to understand the reasons why Valley Forge was chosen as the site for the Continental Army's winter encampment in 1777.
  18. Surviving and Thriving - Lesson 3: Breakfast...Lunch...Dinner? - In this lesson, students will examine a sample of historical fiction and describe Continental Army fare while constructing a journal entry from first-person perspective.
  19. Surviving and Thriving - Lesson 4: Keeping the Doctor Away - In this lesson, students will assess Revolutionary-era sanitation/health guidelines and then view a video segment that highlights specific issues of healthcare for the Continental soldier at the Valley Forge encampment.
  20. Surviving and Thriving - Lesson 5: The Daily Routine - In this lesson, students will evaluate activities that Continental soldiers may have engaged in at the Valley Forge encampment. Then, students will construct a Continental soldier's daily routine using timeline skills.
  21. Teaching Zack to Think - It is essential that students learn how to validate information. (from Alan November)
  22. The 1963 March On Washington - This lesson follows logically and sequentially from the lesson on Bayard Rustin, Why has Bayard Rustin, the main organizer of the 1963 March on Washington and an important leader in the civil rights movement, been hidden from American history?
  23. The ABC's of Web Site Evaluation - Evaluation of Web sites is an important skill to learn in this age of digital and information literacy. Students and teachers need practice in critically examining sites to determine authority, authenticity, and applicability to purpose. This site provides that practice. (presented by Kathy Schrock)
  24. The Gettysburg Address: A Study in the Power of Words - A common core mini-unit on focusing on theGettysburg Address to teaching students how to read primary documents supporting Common Core State Standards.
  25. The Good, The Bad & The Ugly - Why It's a Good Idea to Evaluate Web Sources
  26. The Role of Courts in a Democratic Society - This lesson is designed to give students an engaging introduction to the judicial branch of government and the role of courts in American democracy.
  27. The Science of Baking - In this lesson, students engage in a cross-curricular unit of study using expert advice and the scientific method. Students work collaboratively to explore the function and chemical structure and reactions of leavening agents creating original recipes, hosting and producing their own cooking videos, and building concept maps and a pathfinder for communicating understanding of food science principles and practices.
  28. WHST.6-8.9 Common Core Resources - Links for resources for WHST.6-8.9
  29. Why Serve? - Students rank the categories in their lives for which they feel most responsible, leading to a discussion about the personal and far-reaching consequences of not being responsible to ones community.



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